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Stephen Ezell

Stephen Ezell

Vice President, Global Innovation Policy, and Director, Center for Life Sciences Innovation

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 202-449-1349

Twitter: @sjezell

Stephen Ezell is vice president for global innovation policy at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) and director of ITIF’s Center for Life Sciences Innovation. He also leads the Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance. His areas of expertise include science and technology policy, international competitiveness, trade, and manufacturing.

Ezell is the coauthor of Innovating in a Service-Driven Economy: Insights, Application, and Practice (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015) and Innovation Economics: The Race for Global Advantage (Yale, 2012).

Ezell came to ITIF from Peer Insight, an innovation research and consulting firm he cofounded in 2003 to study the practice of innovation in service industries. At Peer Insight, Ezell led the Global Service Innovation Consortium, published multiple research papers on service innovation, and researched national service innovation policies being implemented by governments worldwide.

Prior to forming Peer Insight, Ezell worked in the New Service Development group at the NASDAQ Stock Market, where he spearheaded the creation of the NASDAQ Market Intelligence Desk and the NASDAQ Corporate Services Network, services for NASDAQ-listed corporations. Previously, Ezell cofounded two successful innovation ventures, the high-tech services firm Brivo Systems and Lynx Capital, a boutique investment bank.

Ezell holds a B.S. from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, with an honors certificate from Georgetown’s Landegger International Business Diplomacy program.

Recent Publications

July 2, 2024

Airbus CEO Indicts Wrong Global Trade Villain

Only a full commitment from the European Union and United States can counter China's economic predation and preserve a market-based system. Criticism that doesn't include China's subsidization, IP theft, and product dumping isn't serious.

June 20, 2024

Podcast: China’s Wide Lead in Nuclear Power Generation, With Stephen Ezell

Stephen Ezell appeared on the Energi Talks podcast with journalist Markham Hislop to discuss ITIF’s assessment of Chinese innovation in the nuclear industry.

June 17, 2024

How Innovative Is China in Nuclear Power?

Though China built upon a foreign base of technology, it has become the world’s leading proponent of nuclear energy. Chinese firms are well ahead of their Western peers, supported by a whole-of-government strategy that provides extensive financing and systemic coordination.

June 10, 2024

A Techno-Economic Agenda for the Next Administration

The next administration needs to place innovation, productivity, and competitiveness at the core of its economic policy. To that end, this report offers a comprehensive techno-economic agenda with 82 actionable policy recommendations.

May 15, 2024

The “Invent Here, Make Here” Act Should Fully Advance, Not Partially Impede, Bayh-Dole’s Mission

The bill proposes useful steps to facilitate domestic commercialization, but it overreaches in placing excessive restrictions when innovators prove unable to identify domestic manufacturing capabilities despite their best efforts.

April 22, 2024

LATAM Health Champions, 2024

Innovation plays a critical role in improving public health and in overcoming global health challenges. The call for LATAM Health Champions, which ran from February 5 to March 5, 2024, received more than 60 applications proposing innovative health solutions to a wide range of health challenges. Here, the top 20 are highlighted.

February 27, 2024

Podcast: PCBs, Global Innovation Policy, and the CHIPS Act, With Stephen Ezell

Stephen Ezell appeared on Altium’s OnTrack podcast to discuss the complexities of navigating the Chinese market, the principles of comparative advantage, and the critical role of policy in fostering technological self-sufficiency.

February 14, 2024

Assessing India’s Readiness to Assume a Greater Role in Global Semiconductor Value Chains

India has the potential to play a much more significant role in global semiconductor value chains, provided the government upholds its investment policies, maintains a conducive regulatory and business environment, and avoids measures that create unpredictability.

February 6, 2024

Comments to the NIST Regarding the Draft Interagency Guidance Framework for Considering the Exercise of March-In Rights

America’s innovation system is fragile, and its leadership in advanced technology industries is never guaranteed or assured. The United States has taken—only to sacrifice—its lead in a wide-range of advanced technology industries, often in part because of significant policy lapses. It’s no time for additional unforced errors.

February 1, 2024

The CHIPS Program Office Needs to Think Like Economic Developers, Not Bankers

Accelerating the construction of semiconductor facilities requires thinking in terms of “let’s get it done,” not “let’s cover every base and limit every liability.”

January 31, 2024

Comments to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Regarding the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Agreement

The United States should not endorse an IPR waiver in the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Agreement. It would not increase the number of vaccines or therapeutics, or the global supply that might be needed to address a future global pandemic.

January 29, 2024

Assessing the Dominican Republic’s Readiness to Play a Greater Role in Global Semiconductor and PCB Value Chains

The Dominican Republic is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, offers perhaps the most attractive business environment in Latin America, and is a leading candidate for nearshored investments in advanced manufacturing activity—particularly for electronics such as printed circuit boards (PCBs) and the assembly, test, and packaging (ATP) of semiconductors.

More publications by Stephen Ezell

Recent Events and Presentations

July 30, 2024

Can China Innovate in EVs?

Join ITIF in person on Capitol Hill to explore the innovation of Chinese EV and battery producers, the current state of global competition, China's aggressive support tactics, and what the US needs to do to stay competitive.

June 26, 2024

The Right Prescription: Policy Priorities for Advancing Innovation in U.S. Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing

Stephen Ezell delivers a featured presentation at the 2024 national meeting of the National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIMBL).

June 5, 2024

Principles for National Innovation Success

Stephen Ezell presents on the principles of national innovation success to the Colombian think tank INNOS.

April 17, 2024

Prospects for US-Japan Economic Security Partnership and Countering Coercion

Stephen Ezell presents on the state of global geoeconomic competition and avenues for United States-Japan economic security collaboration for the Japan Foundation.

April 9, 2024

CHIPS and Science Program Updates

Stephen Ezell presents on the status of the CHIPS and Science Program.

March 5, 2024

Preserving U.S. Leadership in Biopharmaceutical Innovation

Watch now for an expert panel discussion surrounding the ITIF report examining why the United States lost its lead in other advanced technology industries, and how policymakers can avoid repeating the same mistakes in the biopharmaceutical sector.

February 22, 2024

Assessing India’s Readiness to Compete in Global Semiconductor Value Chains

Watch now for an expert panel discussion about a new ITIF report that was commissioned to inform the U.S. and Indian governments for their joint initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET).

January 30, 2024

Assessing the Dominican Republic’s Readiness to Compete in Global Semiconductor and PCB Value Chains

Watch now for an ITIF event releasing a report that will explore the Dominican Republic’s preparedness to compete in global semiconductor and PCB value chains.

September 14, 2023

Innovation and Competitiveness: GTIPA Summit, 2023

Join members of the Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance (GTIPA) for a series of expert panel discussions on technology and innovation policy. Topics will include the keys to subnational innovation competitiveness in Europe and South America, optimal ways to stimulate life sciences innovation, how digital technologies can drive decarbonization, and the possibilities for reimaging value chains in the global trading system.

August 22, 2023

Seizing the Transformative Opportunity of Multi-cancer Early Detection

Stephen Ezell gave a presentation on “Seizing the Transformative Opportunity of Multi-cancer Early Detection” at the 15th Annual Next Generation Dx Summit in Washington, DC on August 22, 2023.

August 21, 2023

Innovation and IP's Contribution to Global Social Challenges and Public Health

Stephen Ezell gave a presentation at the 43rd Congress of the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI) on how Brazil can advance its competitiveness in innovation-based industries.

June 26, 2023

Policies to Stimulate Entrepreneurship and Scale-ups in the United States

Stephen Ezell presents on Policies to Stimulate Entrepreneurship and Scale-ups in the United States at the 14th Plenary Meeting of the European TTO Circle in Berlin, Germany.

More Events & Presentations by Stephen Ezell

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