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July 25, 2024|Blogs

Four AI Priorities for the EU’s New Political Leaders

Europe's evolving political landscape, marked by recent elections and changing priorities, has significant implications for AI policy. While EU policymakers focus on defense, security, and economic growth, integrating AI could bolster these efforts.

July 23, 2024|Press Releases

Competition Regulators Should Exercise Caution Against Speculative Concerns About AI as Innovation Stakes Rise, Says ITIF

Following the joint statement issued by top competition regulators about competition in AI, ITIF released the following statement from Vice President Daniel Castro.

July 17, 2024|Press Releases

King's Speech Outlines Strong Growth, Data, and Cyber Plans, but Unclear if Labour Can Strike the Right Balance on Innovation

In response to the King’s Speech, which outlines UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s legislative agenda under the new Labour government, the Center for Data Innovation released the following statement from Policy Analysts Ayesha Bhatti and Justyna Lisinska.

July 16, 2024|Events

The Brussels Effect: Digital Market Regulation in East Asia

Watch now for an event hosted by ITIF's Schumpeter Project on Competition Policy, featuring leading antitrust experts from Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and the United States.

July 12, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Comments Before the UK CMA Regarding Draft Guidance for the Digital Markets Competition Regime

In this challenging world, strong techno-economic cooperation between the United States and its closest allies is all the more critical, but can be undermined by the abuse of digital regulation that ultimately ends up placing undue burdens on American firms.

July 11, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Comments to the Italian Competition Authority Regarding Draft DMA Enforcement Regulation

The Italian Competition Authority has a unique opportunity to shape a healthy enforcement landscape for the DMA within the EU.

July 9, 2024|Blogs

The AI Act’s AI Watermarking Requirement Is a Misstep in the Quest for Transparency

The AI Act requires providers of AI systems to mark their output as AI-generated content. This labelling requirement is meant to allow users to detect when they are interacting with content generated by AI systems to address concerns like deepfakes and misinformation. Unfortunately, implementing one of the AI Act’s suggested methods for meeting this requirement — watermarking — may not be feasible or effective for some types of media.

July 2, 2024|Blogs

Airbus CEO Indicts Wrong Global Trade Villain

Only a full commitment from the European Union and United States can counter China's economic predation and preserve a market-based system. Criticism that doesn't include China's subsidization, IP theft, and product dumping isn't serious.

July 1, 2024|Blogs

Two Key Moves The EU’s New AI Office Should Make To Foster Innovation

With the AI Act set to take effect soon, the focus now shifts to implementing this complex legislation. Central to this effort is establishing the AI Office, mandated to coordinate the Act's application, conduct AI safety research, develop Codes of Practice, and address compliance issues. However, there are concerns that bureaucratic challenges could hinder the Office, potentially stalling European AI innovation.

June 27, 2024|Blogs

It’s Time for Pro-Innovation, Atlanticist European Leadership

The EU is at a strategic crossroads when it comes to techno-economic policy. As the new Commission and Parliament take office, they must choose between fidelity to the transatlantic alliance and “strategic independence,” as well as between maintaining regulatory hostility toward large tech companies and unleashing innovation in Europe.

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