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September 9, 2024|Podcasts

Podcast: Europe Needs to Focus on Solving Its 30-Year Innovation Problem, With David Evans

Europe has been enormously unsuccessful in creating substantial digital businesses for over three decades.

September 9, 2024|Blogs

Why Unions Should Align Their Demands With the National Interest in Spurring Advanced Traded-Sector Competitiveness

In industries that are globally traded, overly aggressive union demands run the risk of putting firms at a competitive disadvantage—helping current union members in the short term, but hurting the firms, future workers, and the national economy in the long term as the firms become less competitive in global markets.

September 9, 2024|Blogs

Fact of the Week: Manufacturing Firms in EU-27 Countries Using Cloud Computing Are More Likely To Export

The use of cloud computing by firms has been proven to increase productivity and innovation and to lower costs.

September 9, 2024|Reports & Briefings

How Innovative Is China in Quantum?

China’s lead in quantum communications is undeniable, but its overall quantum prowess is limited; without computing breakthroughs, the United States still holds the upper hand.

September 6, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Comments to AISI on Managing Misuse Risk for Dual-Use Foundation Models

The Center for Data Innovation submitted comments to the U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute (AISI) on its draft guidelines, Managing Misuse Risk for Dual-Use Foundation Models (NIST AI 800-1).

September 5, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Comments to the Federal Communications Commission Regarding the NextNav Petition For Rulemaking

The Commission should pursue all policy options to increase spectrum productivity. Here, however, it is highly questionable whether the NextNav proposal would accomplish that goal.

September 3, 2024|Reports & Briefings

A Techno-Economic Agenda for Canada’s Next Federal Government

Innovation, productivity, and competitiveness must be top priorities for Canada’s next federal government, not sidenotes or vague aspirations to be addressed with little more than lip service.

September 3, 2024|Reports & Briefings

User Safety in AR/VR: Protecting Kids

Children play a crucial role in driving adoption of immersive technologies—and parents, corporations, and regulators all have roles to play in balancing privacy and safety concerns to ensure they can enjoy safe, engaging, and innovative experiences.

September 3, 2024|Blogs

Fact of the Week: Increase in Access to Broadband Internet in American Counties Results in a Decrease in Suicides

A recent working paper found that a 10 percent increase in broadband Internet access among county residents leads to 0.11 fewer suicide deaths per county, a 1.02 percent reduction in suicides overall.

September 3, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Comments to Japan’s Fair Trade Commission Regarding the Smartphone Software Competition Promotion Act

The SSCP’s broad per se prohibitions and limited cybersecurity exemption are likely to chill the very innovative behavior that is key to allowing Japan’s smartphone markets to thrive, and risk targeting a leading firm of one of its closest allies.

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