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Testimonies & Filings

Advising Policymakers

ITIF provides policy expertise to governments around the world, frequently testifying and filing public comments for official hearings, inquiries, and regulatory proceedings.

July 26, 2024

Comments to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Regarding Legislated Procurement Targets for SMEs

The legislated targets should be a tool used to stimulate technology research, development, and commercialization of Canadian innovations, not a goal in and of itself.

July 26, 2024

Comments Before the NIST Regarding Preliminary Research on Cybersecurity and Privacy Standards for Immersive Technologies

Digital identity should play a key role in shaping the governance structures in immersive technologies and NIST is well placed to lead this charge.

July 15, 2024

Comments to the US Department of Justice Antitrust Division Regarding Promoting Competition in AI

The AI industry is highly dynamic and competitive, allowing new companies to rise to prominence and challenge established leaders. This ongoing process fosters strong competition at various levels of the AI stack, ensuring a healthy and innovative market.

July 15, 2024

Comments to Brazil’s National Data Protection Authority Regarding Processing of Personal Data of Children and Adolescents

A combination of privacy-protective age verification systems utilizing digital forms of identification and AI, parental controls that are readily available and easy to use, and greater transparency from digital platforms would increase children’s safety and privacy, encourage innovation in improved safety and privacy controls, and better inform policymakers and parents on next steps to protect children.

July 12, 2024

Comments Before the UK CMA Regarding Draft Guidance for the Digital Markets Competition Regime

In this challenging world, strong techno-economic cooperation between the United States and its closest allies is all the more critical, but can be undermined by the abuse of digital regulation that ultimately ends up placing undue burdens on American firms.

July 11, 2024

Comments to the Italian Competition Authority Regarding Draft DMA Enforcement Regulation

The Italian Competition Authority has a unique opportunity to shape a healthy enforcement landscape for the DMA within the EU.

June 26, 2024

Comments Before the European Commission Regarding How to Master Europe's Digital Infrastructure Needs

Europe has the potential to dramatically improve the productivity of it communications infrastructure and allow the market to better serve citizens’ needs.

June 24, 2024

Comments for the California Law Review Commission Study of Antitrust Law Regarding Innovation and Mergers

While ITIF applauds the Commission for its efforts to evaluate the adequacy of California’s competition laws and consider possible changes, this comment highlights concerns with both the Technology Platform and Mergers and Acquisitions Reports, specifically regarding their respective legal and economic findings from the standpoint of promoting innovation.

June 11, 2024

Comments to Kenya’s Competition Authority Regarding the Draft Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2024

Proposed changes to Kenya’s competition regime will hinder, not help its digital economy. Rather than impose substantial changes based on the false premise that digital markets require special treatment, Kenya should use existing enforcement tools to police its growing digital markets.

June 10, 2024

Comments to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Regarding Supporting Content Through Base Contributions

There is no free lunch to be found by imposing base contributions on foreign online undertakings to fund the government’s preferred content. The Commission should reckon with the economic realities of its proposal rather than obscuring them behind anti-foreign rhetoric.

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