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Response to the European Commission’s Roadmap on European Digital Identity

Response to the European Commission’s Roadmap on European Digital Identity
August 30, 2020

ITIF's Center for Data Innovation submitted feedback to the European Commission’s roadmap titled “Inception Impact Assessment for Revision of the eIDAS Regulation – European Digital Identity (EUid).”

In 2014, the EU adopted the eIDAS (electronic identification, authentication, and trust services) regulation to establish a cross-border framework for electronic IDs (eIDs) and “electronic trust services” (e.g. electronic signatures, time stamps, electronic seals, etc.) in EU member states. In this roadmap, the Commission outlines three policy options to address the current shortcomings, including by modernizing the regulatory framework for digital identity and establishing a new eID for EU citizens (EUid). In this submission, we summarize the three policy proposals under consideration and provide feedback on each option.

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