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Roslyn Layton

Roslyn Layton

Vice President, Strand Consult

Ph.D. Fellow, Aalborg University, Center for Communication, Media and Information Studies

As part of Denmark’s Industrial PhD program, Roslyn Layton uses economics to understand and analyze key issues of internet policy. Her thesis investigates the impacts and consequences of net neutrality on internet infrastructure investment. Related to this inquiry are issues of broadband internet, network innovation, stakeholder analysis, consumer welfare, and the internet value chain including operating systems, web platforms and devices.CMI’s mission is to explore and develop the potential of new converging communication, media and information technologies and associated platforms (mobile, Internet, digital TV, etc.) and to offer competences and expertise to companies and public institutions within this area. CMI is a cross-disciplinary center under the Department of Electronic Systems at Aalborg University. CMI is located in Copenhagen, Denmark.Together with Aalborg University, Strand Consult is part of Denmark’s Industrial Ph.D. ProgramThe Industrial PhD is a program of the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education to support research of both academic and commercial value and to facilitate knowledge transfer between Denmark and the rest of the world. The program is open to any graduate student provided that he or she is employed by a Danish company, attends a Danish university, and has the minimum academic qualifications. Roslyn Layton, American, has a background in analytics, digital marketing and software innovation. Prior to Strand Consult, she worked at Coremetrics IBM in San Mateo, CA and TCS Innovation Labs in Hyderabad, India. She holds the OneMBA, a business school degree conferred by five of the world’s leading business schools and a B.A. from American University, Washington, D.C. Her website is

As part of Denmark’s Industrial PhD program, Roslyn Layton uses economics to understand and analyze key issues of internet policy. Her thesis investigates the impacts and consequences of net neutrality on internet infrastructure investment. Related to this inquiry are issues of broadband internet, network innovation, stakeholder analysis, consumer welfare, and the internet value chain including operating systems, web platforms and devices.

CMI’s mission is to explore and develop the potential of new converging communication, media and information technologies and associated platforms (mobile, Internet, digital TV, etc.) and to offer competences and expertise to companies and public institutions within this area. CMI is a cross-disciplinary center under the Department of Electronic Systems at Aalborg University. CMI is located in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Together with Aalborg University, Strand Consult is part of Denmark’s Industrial Ph.D. Program

The Industrial PhD is a program of the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education to support research of both academic and commercial value and to facilitate knowledge transfer between Denmark and the rest of the world. The program is open to any graduate student provided that he or she is employed by a Danish company, attends a Danish university, and has the minimum academic qualifications.

Roslyn Layton, American, has a background in analytics, digital marketing and software innovation. Prior to Strand Consult, she worked at Coremetrics IBM in San Mateo, CA and TCS Innovation Labs in Hyderabad, India. She holds the OneMBA, a business school degree conferred by five of the world’s leading business schools and a B.A. from American University, Washington, D.C. Her website is

Recent Publications

February 21, 2014

Debunking the EU Broadband Utopia

In a guest post, Roslyn Layton assesses the shortcomings of European broadband while reiterating America's successes.

November 20, 2013

What The U.S. Can Learn From Denmark’s Industrial PhD Program

Denmark’s industrial-focused doctorate can serve as a model for private sector-relevant education and research.

More publications by Roslyn Layton

Recent Events and Presentations

June 17, 2013

International Broadband Quality: How’s that Policy Working?

ITIF will host a panel discussion of leading experts from both sides of the Atlantic who will evaluate the present state of broadband networks in the U. S. and Europe.

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