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Matthew Stepp

Matthew Stepp

Former Director of the Center for Clean Energy Innovation

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation


Matthew Stepp was the Executive Director of ITIF’s Center for Clean Energy Innovation (CCEI). Matthew researches, analyzes and comments on a number of issues related to climate and energy policy, including innovation ecosystems, renewable energy, carbon pricing, deployment subsidies, transportation technologies, international climate negotiations, the National Laboratories, the Department of Energy, ARPA-E, federal research, and the role of states in energy innovation.

He has testified before Congress and his work has appeared in various news and media outlets including the Washington Post, New York Times, MIT Technology Review, The Hill, Platts Energy Week, The Globalist, Ars Technica, E&E, National Journal, Bloomberg News, NPR, Forbes and Politico. He is also a regular columnist at Energy Trends Insider and The Energy Collective.

Matthew is also active in Millennial Generation policy and advocacy issues, most recently participating in the first Millennial Trains Project. Through the project Energy Innovation Across America, he toured leading energy ecosystems across the country and focused on state and federal policy issues impacting clean energy entrepreneurs and start-ups. In 2013, he was named to the inaugural advisory board of Spark Clean Energy, which aims to connect emerging energy scientists and engineers with the broader innovation community to address grand clean energy challenges.

Prior to joining ITIF, he was a Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Fellow at the National Academies of Science where he worked with the Transportation Research Board to analyze light duty vehicle energy reduction policy strategies. He also served as Fellow at the Breakthrough Institute, where he focused on modernizing U.S. climate policies to centrally focus on innovation.

Matthew is a professional member of the American Meteorological Society, has a B.Sc. in Meteorology from Millersville University as well as a M.Sc. in Science, Technology, and Public Policy from the Rochester Institute of Technology.

Follow @MatthewStepp

Recent Publications

January 20, 2015

Time to Focus on Innovation Targets, Not Emissions Targets, to Fight Climate Change

The climate community is backing the wrong policy and it’s running out of time.

December 17, 2014

Testimony Before the Commission to Review the Effectiveness of the National Energy Laboratories

Matthew Stepp provided testimony to the Commission to Review the Effectiveness of the National Energy Laboratories.

November 10, 2014

How the DOE’s Better Buildings Challenge is Pushing Deep Decarbonization

DOE’s building efficiency challenge is serving as a critical driver of technology development and implementation.

October 22, 2014

The Alternative to the Climate Nuclear Option is Innovation

The drastic economic cost of across-the-board deep decarbonization can be avoided.

September 29, 2014

Can Mitigating Global Climate Change be a Free Lunch?

There are short-term costs to transitioning to a low-carbon economy that can’t realistically be ignored.

September 25, 2014

Time for the National Labs to Go Local

The labs can and should be a regional economic engine.

September 24, 2014

Department of Energy’s National Labs Can Also Be Regional Hubs

The National Labs can be regional economic engines.

September 10, 2014

Going Local: Connecting the National Labs to their Regions for Innovation and Growth

Policy should be reformed to better integrate the national labs with regional economies.

July 24, 2014

U.S.-China Solar Trade Dispute: Short-term Profit vs. Long-term Viability

China’s solar trade policy hampers the clean energy economy and energy innovation.

July 10, 2014

Climate Change Solution: Scrap Subsidies, Fund Innovation

Current climate policy will not lead to the global emission reductions we need.

June 18, 2014

Want More Stringent EPA Carbon Caps? We Need Innovation Policy

Tougher emissions regulations should be paired with comprehensive energy innovation strategy.

June 13, 2014

Carbon Pricing Won’t Solve Climate Change. Innovation Will.

Instead of putting a price on carbon, governments should enhance funding for R&D and projects that lower clean energy costs.

More publications by Matthew Stepp

Recent Events and Presentations

March 16, 2015

Commercializing Breakthroughs at the Department of Energy

Join the Center for Clean Energy Innovation to discuss new efforts the DOE is taking to bring job-creating technologies to market.

January 26, 2015

Keystone Showdown: The Political, Economic, and Environmental Consequences of the Pipeline Fight

Matthew Stepp is moderating a panel titled "Keystone Showdown: The Political, Economic, and Environmental Consequences of the Pipeline Fight."

December 10, 2014

Bridging the Valley of Death: Successfully Moving Energy Breakthroughs from Lab to Market

An expert panel will discuss recent successes and continued challenges to scaling up energy breakthroughs into transformative products.

November 21, 2014

The Problems and Promise of Global Clean Tech Trade

A panel of leading experts will discuss the barriers to global clean tech trade, existing trade cases, and future developments.

October 29, 2014

Next-Generation R&D Partnerships: The NCATS Success Story

Please join us for a panel discussion of the NCATS technology transfer model, successful case studies, and lessons learned for other government agencies.

September 16, 2014

The Role of the DOE National Labs in the 21st Century Innovation Economy

Join the Science and National Laboratory Caucus and the Center for Clean Energy Innovation for a briefing on the value of the DOE National Lab system.

August 28, 2014

Accelerating Sustainability: Demonstrating the Benefits of Connected Cars

Join us for a discussion on the potential impact of 16 emerging smart transportation technologies on US oil consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

June 5, 2014

EnergyChat: Dissecting The EPA’s Historic Carbon Regulations

Matt Stepp participated in The Energy Collective's live Energy Chat on the EPA's proposed carbon regulations.

May 8, 2014

Accelerating Sustainability: Maximizing the Benefits of Connected Cars

Please join ITIF for a policy discussion about the benefits of connected cars on clean energy.

March 27, 2014

Re-imaging the National Labs Presentation at DOE Technology Transfer Working Group

Matthew Stepp participated in a panel at the DOE National Laboratories at the annual Technology Transfer Working Group.

January 23, 2014

Leveraging Innovation Clusters to Accelerate Clean Energy Research Into Market

Join ITIF and the New England Clean Energy Council as they highlight best innovation cluster practices amongst leading regional clean tech innovation programs and discuss potential policy reforms.

More Events & Presentations by Matthew Stepp

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