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Armond Cohen

Armond Cohen

Executive Director

Clean Air Task Force


Armond Cohen is co-founder and Executive Director of the Clean Air Task Force (CATF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing atmospheric pollution and commercializing innovative clean energy technology. CATF’s technology innovation work focuses on building commercial scale demonstrations of fossil fuel electric carbon capture and storage (CCS) and enabling technologies in the United States, China and India; reforming U.S. national energy innovation policy; and facilitating business to business partnerships for development and deployment of large scale clean energy generation and storage technologies in the United States, India and China. Armond has co-led two studies of U.S. energy innovation policy with the Center for Science, Policy and Outcomes, Innovation Policy for Climate Change (2009) and Four Policy Principles for Energy Innovation and Climate Change: A Synthesis (2010) and is lead author of “'NowGen': Getting Real about Coal Carbon Capture and Sequestration” (The Electricity Journal, 2009). He is an honors graduate of Harvard Law School and Brown University, and is a member of the Electric Power Research Institute’s Advisory Council.

Recent Events and Presentations

July 25, 2023

A Realist Climate Policy: Driving Clean Tech to Price/Performance Parity

Watch now for the release event for the important new report and panel discussion on why P3 must be the new lens governments that governments must use to decide which clean energy technologies to support and how to support them.

October 23, 2013

Challenging the Clean Energy Deployment Consensus

ITIF and a panel of leading experts will discuss the roots of the Deployment Consensus, the reasons a “deployment-first” strategy will fail, and why innovation-driven energy policies are the solution.

January 29, 2013

Energy Innovation 2013

Energy Innovation 2013: Clean Energy, Ready for Primetime?

November 17, 2011

Energy Innovation 2011

At Energy Innovation 2011, leading energy policy thinkers will address core issues and counter misguided but widely held beliefs about the clean energy innovation.

December 15, 2010

Energy Innovation 2010

ITIF and other leading policy think tanks host a day-long conference to ask the hard questions about energy technology policy and innovation in America.

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