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Alexandra Bruer

Alexandra Bruer

Former Policy Analyst

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

Alexandra Bruer was a policy analyst at ITIF from 2020 to 2021. She previously served on active duty for five years in the U.S. Army. She holds a Master in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School and a Bachelor of Arts in Government and Near Eastern Studies from Cornell University.

Recent Publications

November 8, 2021

Mapping the International 5G Standards Landscape and How It Impacts U.S. Strategy and Policy

Standards-setting bodies for 5G technology appear to be working well, but U.S. policymakers are justifiably wary of China’s ambitions to manipulate the system. They should stay on guard and provide financial support for U.S. companies to participate.

November 1, 2021

Open Radio Access Networks: A Primer for Policymakers

Open Radio Access Networks (Open RANs) would define open standards and interfaces between components of wireless RANs, providing a unique opportunity to diversify the supply chain by separating today’s integrated, single-provider RAN systems into modular parts.

June 24, 2021

Broadband Myths: Does Municipal Broadband Scale Well to Fit U.S. Broadband Needs?

No, local governments generally are not well-suited to providing broadband service. Economic theory suggests city-run broadband would not serve the country well, and previous real-world attempts bear that out with a mixed track record marked by several failures.

May 12, 2021

Broadband Myth Series: Do We Need Symmetrical Upload and Download Speeds?

Assertions that symmetrical broadband is a national imperative are not well grounded in application demand or actual use of networks. Requiring symmetry in an infrastructure support program would drive up costs, reduce flexibility, and likely result in subsidies for redundant infrastructure in already served areas.

March 22, 2021

How to Bridge the Rural Broadband Gap Once and For All

Nearly one in five rural Americans still lack access to broadband Internet service. Federal subsidies could bridge that gap if they are carefully targeted through a reverse-auction program that leverages economies of scale by encouraging large providers to participate.

February 16, 2021

Comments to FCC Regarding an Emergency Expansion of E-Rate Funding

ITIF filed comments supporting an expansion of the E-Rate program to help address the homework gap during the pandemic.

February 8, 2021

Broadband Myths: Are High Broadband Prices Holding Back Adoption?

Broadband affordability is a problem for some Americans, but not the “crisis” advocates claim. U.S. broadband prices are comparable with those charged abroad and by municipal networks. To ensure affordability for everyone, we need a better subsidy program, not changes to industry structure.

January 22, 2021

Comments to the Federal Communications Commission Regarding the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program

ITIF supports quickly disbursing critical relief in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. But the FCC also should consider how the emergency broadband benefit program can serve as a bridge to a better, more rational subsidy program than the current Lifeline system.

November 30, 2020

The Great 5G Race: Is China Really Beating the United States?

Fearmongers claim the 5G sky is falling: China is way ahead, and drastic measures are needed to catch up. But these claims are often based on poorly understood comparisons of 5G deployment. China’s 5G stats can paint a misleading picture if taken at face value.

November 16, 2020

Introducing ITIF’s Broadband Myth Series

To achieve their vision, advocates of broadband “revolution” must do everything they can to impugn the current system, which is working well, to make it look like it is really failing. So ITIF has set out to correct the record and expose how flimsy the evidence is for many broadband myths.

November 16, 2020

Broadband Myths: Is It a National Imperative to Achieve Ultra-Fast Download Speeds?

Some advocates are willing to take extreme steps to transform the U.S. broadband system, because they claim we require universal broadband networks capable of gigabit-per-second speeds. This is not true.

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