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Taxes and Budget

As nations engage in a race for global advantage in innovation, ITIF champions a new policy paradigm that ensures businesses and national economies can compete successfully by spurring public and private investment in foundational areas such as research, skills, and 21st century infrastructure. In the area of tax and budget policy, ITIF focuses on how tax policy and budgets can boost investment, competitiveness, and economic growth.


Twelve Tax Reforms to Spur Innovation and Competitiveness

Twelve Tax Reforms to Spur Innovation and Competitiveness

U.S. tax policy needs to prioritize innovation and competitiveness—especially as China rapidly gains ground as a leading innovator in advanced industries.

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July 18, 2024|Blogs

The Digital Services Tax Will Not Be Good for Canada

Canada should drop its Digital Services Tax, which will harm Canadian businesses, startups, and consumers and surely lead to a retaliatory response by the U.S. government.

June 10, 2024|Reports & Briefings

A Techno-Economic Agenda for the Next Administration

The next administration needs to place innovation, productivity, and competitiveness at the core of its economic policy. To that end, this report offers a comprehensive techno-economic agenda with 82 actionable policy recommendations.

April 3, 2024|Reports & Briefings

Why Congress Should Enact a Mileage-Based User Fee for Heavy Trucking

With the gradual shift from internal combustion to electric vehicles, it is only a matter of time before the nation will have to replace gas taxes with a vehicle miles traveled system to pay for road maintenance. The most sensible way to start would be with heavy trucks.

October 27, 2023|Blogs

Ten Problems With Canada’s Plan to Tax U.S. Internet Services Companies

Instead of enacting counterproductive tax grabs from U.S. digital firms, Canada and others should wait for the OECD to complete its Base Erosion Profits Shifting (BEPS) plan.

June 26, 2023|Op-Eds & Contributed Articles

How Biden’s Budget Shortchanges Clean Energy Innovation

The president’s budget proposal for the coming fiscal year serves as a blueprint for how the government plans to deliver on the promise to bolster U.S. investments in science and technology in a bid to outcompete China in key industries.

June 16, 2023|Blogs

Congress Should Appropriate CHIPS and Science Act Authorizations to Further Energize American Innovation

Congress should make good on its promise to appropriate authorizations in the Chips and Science Act to further energize innovation in clean energy and other critical technologies.

June 9, 2023|Blogs

Taxing Robots Would Hurt, Not Help, American Workers

A robot tax is a misguided policy that would inhibit productivity growth that could otherwise make U.S. companies more competitive, create higher-paying jobs, and improve quality of life for all Americans.

May 22, 2023|Reports & Briefings

Energizing Innovation in Fiscal Year 2024

The FY 2024 budget request, if met, could maintain bipartisan momentum for clean energy innovation. Congress should support that innovation to foster domestic clean energy industries that can compete globally, minimize foreign dependencies, and address climate change.

February 15, 2023|Reports & Briefings

Estimated State-Level Employment Impact of Enhancing Federal R&D Tax Incentives

Tax incentives for research and development (R&D) in America are less generous than in comparable countries—and now prevent firms from expensing the full value of R&D investments in the first year. Enhancing R&D tax incentives would create high-paying jobs across the country.

January 17, 2023|Blogs

Fact of the Week: Key Industries Are the Most Affected by the Elimination of Full Expensing of R&D Activity

Economists agree that because most of the benefits of R&D and its technological breakthroughs accrue to entities other than the investing firm (e.g., customers, competitors, etc.), the current level of R&D investment is well below what would be socially optimal.

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