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Publications: L. Val Giddings

June 7, 2024

Mexico, Maize, and Food Sovereignty

Mexico's newly elected president, Claudia Sheinbaum, can reverse President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's anti-innovation policies toward genetically modified maize, and improve the lives of small farmers across Mexico.

March 19, 2024

Biotech Matters: Innovation in Agricultural Biotechnology

As L. Val Giddings writes for the Center for a New American Security, thanks to technological advances and sound policies, the United States quickly emerged as the global leader in agricultural biotechnology innovation.

February 23, 2024

Overcoming Obstacles to Gene-Edited Solutions to Climate Challenges

Gene editing and genetic modification hold enormous potential to deliver solutions to multiple climate change challenges. The most important rate-limiting obstacles impeding their development and deployment are not technical, but rather counterproductive policies and regulations. These are driven in part by the mistaken apprehension of widespread public opposition. These obstacles are described and solutions to overcoming them are presented.

February 23, 2024

Innovations Like These Will Help Solve the Climate Crisis: Introduction to “Synthetic Biology and Greenhouse Gases”

The landscape is rich with opportunities for gene-editing solutions to address many of the challenges of climate change. But which should be pursued first, and how can they best be galvanized?

August 22, 2023

Green Transition: How Agriculture Can Drive Climate Change Solutions

Trying to force the green transition with government regulations, subsidies, and exhortation will not work. The economic reality is that clean energy technologies must reach price/performance parity with dirty energy (P3).

August 4, 2023

Biological Solutions to Climate Challenges Deserve More Attention

Clean energy technologies need to reach price/performance parity with dirty energy—and biology may well be the most promising source for innovations that can achieve that goal.

January 27, 2023

Comments to OSTP Regarding Revisions to the Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of Biotechnology

Biotechnologies have seen remarkable, rapid advances and the discovery and development of powerful new techniques. But nothing has changed that presents new or unique hazards, and the same steps long required to streamline and improve relevant regulations remain valid, albeit even more urgent than before.

December 30, 2022

2022 Delivered a Tectonic Shift in Perceptions of Agricultural Biotech

Determined not to repeat with gene editing the disastrous, self-inflicted injuries from their misguided regulation of genetic engineering, European scientists have been increasingly vocal in recent years arguing for a different, science-based approach.

September 14, 2022

Biden’s Bioeconomy Executive Order Is a Good Idea: The Implementation Plan Needs Work

Biden's new executive order bears the hallmarks of somebody who has been around the block and noticed all the things bureaucracies can do to delay, disrupt, and derail a president’s policies whether through ineptitude, inertia, or mischievous intent.

August 22, 2022

How Agrigenomics Can Help Address Climate Change

On February 7–8 a small group of researchers met at the National Academy of Sciences for an informal workshop on how to demonstrate proof of concept for biotech solutions to climate change and start to flesh out plans to implement them at scale. Here’s what they proposed.

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