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Publications: Colin Cunliff

June 21, 2021

Clean and Competitive: Opportunities for U.S. Manufacturing Leadership in the Global-Low Carbon Economy

The United States needs an integrated national strategy to address the twin challenges of bolstering its manufacturing sector and averting climate change. Timely federal RD&D and deployment policies targeted to specific manufacturing industries could create comparative advantage, expanding domestic investment and employment.

May 17, 2021

Energizing Innovation: Raising the Ambition for Federal Energy RD&D in Fiscal Year 2022

The United States should launch a “moon shot” in clean energy that mobilizes its unmatched innovative capabilities to combat climate change and capture global markets. The fiscal year 2022 budget is a critical opportunity for Congress to advance U.S. energy innovation.

May 17, 2021

A Clean Energy “Moon Shot” Is Sitting on the Launch Pad, and Congress Can Supply the Fuel. Here’s How

Congress and the administration should seize on the momentum created by the passage of the Energy Act of 2020 and provide a multi-billion-dollar increase to raise the ambition for energy innovation programs at DOE in the FY 2022 budget.

March 1, 2021

How Congress and the Biden Administration Could Jumpstart Smart Cities With AI

AI promises to help cities save money, address infrastructure needs, and reduce emissions. But to unlock these benefits and help smart cities reach their full potential, the federal government has an important role to play in funding RD&D and facilitating cooperation.

February 25, 2021

Testimony to the House Appropriations Committee on Strategies for Energy and Climate Innovation

ITIF argued innovation is critical to combat climate change, making three core points: First, greater federal investment in innovation is essential to address climate change and boost U.S. competitiveness in clean energy. Second, prioritize funding to RD&D and deployment programs around 10 critical decarbonization needs. Third, diversify the innovation portfolio to maximize the effectiveness of federal investments.

February 2, 2021

National Academies Report Charts Course: Decarbonize the U.S. Energy System by Accelerating Innovation

A landmark report released today by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) issues a clarion call for more clean energy innovation, finding that “deep decarbonization is technically feasible, but proactive innovation is essential.”

September 15, 2020

Energizing America: A Roadmap to Launch a National Energy Innovation Mission

The U.S. government should triple its annual investment in energy innovation over the next five years to speed clean energy transitions around the world and build advanced-energy industries at home.

September 15, 2020

To Confront the Climate Crisis, the U.S. Should Launch a National Energy Innovation Mission

America has successfully launched national innovation missions time and again, but it has not launched a mission to counter the gravest threat of our time: climate change.

July 6, 2020

Beyond the Energy Techlash: The Real Climate Impacts of Information Technology

Alarmists claim the tech sector’s carbon footprint is mushrooming out of control. But they wildly misrepresent the facts. Not only is the ICT sector making significant progress in decarbonizing, but ICT is also a powerful technology that enables other sectors to become more energy efficient.

April 13, 2020

Recommendations to the House Science Committee on Clean Energy Investments for a Long-Term Economic Recovery

In response to a request for input from the House Science, Space, and Technology committee, ITIF recommended that any stimulus bill in response to the COVID-19 crisis include provisions to stimulate manufacturing, technology entrepreneurship, and clean energy innovation, including large-scale demonstration projects in fields such as industrial decarbonization.

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