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July 2, 2024|Blogs

Airbus CEO Indicts Wrong Global Trade Villain

Only a full commitment from the European Union and United States can counter China's economic predation and preserve a market-based system. Criticism that doesn't include China's subsidization, IP theft, and product dumping isn't serious.

July 1, 2024|Press Releases

European Commission Threatens Free Online Services with Misunderstood Ads Ruling, Says ITIF

Following the European Commission notifying Meta of its preliminary finding that the social network’s advertising model violates European law, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) Vice President Daniel Castro issued the following statement.

July 1, 2024|Blogs

Two Key Moves The EU’s New AI Office Should Make To Foster Innovation

With the AI Act set to take effect soon, the focus now shifts to implementing this complex legislation. Central to this effort is establishing the AI Office, mandated to coordinate the Act's application, conduct AI safety research, develop Codes of Practice, and address compliance issues. However, there are concerns that bureaucratic challenges could hinder the Office, potentially stalling European AI innovation.

June 27, 2024|Blogs

It’s Time for Pro-Innovation, Atlanticist European Leadership

The EU is at a strategic crossroads when it comes to techno-economic policy. As the new Commission and Parliament take office, they must choose between fidelity to the transatlantic alliance and “strategic independence,” as well as between maintaining regulatory hostility toward large tech companies and unleashing innovation in Europe.

June 27, 2024|Blogs

Irish DPA’s Request to Meta Is a Misguided Move

The Irish Data Protection Authority (DPA) requested Meta pause its plans to train AI on public posts from its users last week. This request, instigated by complaints and pushback from the advocacy group NOYB (“none of your business”), is a shortsighted move that threatens to stifle innovation in developing AI systems.

June 25, 2024|Press Releases

Investigation into Microsoft Teams Culminates in More Bad Antitrust Enforcement Against US “Big Tech,” Says ITIF

Following the European Commission’s Statement of Objections against Microsoft for “abusive” bundling, ITIF issued the following statement from Joseph V. Coniglio, Director of Antitrust and Innovation.

June 10, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Comments Before the Turkish Competition Authority Regarding Act No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition

Ex-ante regulation is not only unnecessary in view of Turkey’s growing digital markets, but likely to chill the very innovation it seeks to promote. Through a number of per se bans for behavior that is very often pro-competitive, consumers will be harmed—a fact that is already happening in Europe with its own DMA.

May 31, 2024|Presentations

ITIF Panel at WSIS+20: Beyond “Tech Imperialism”

A narrative has taken hold in both advanced and emerging economies that blame advanced technology for a range of societal ill. Yet it is technological innovation that delivers the growth, productivity and scale needed to achieve the WSIS vision of a “development-oriented Information Society.” ITIF will host a panel discussion to unpack critical ingredients for achieving that vision.

May 28, 2024|Presentations

Dublin Tech Summit, 2024: Can Tech Save Us?

Rob Atkinson appeared at the 2024 Dublin Tech Summit to speak about the real-world impact of governance surrounding AI and other transformative technologies.

May 28, 2024|Blogs

The EU’s DMA Investigations Place Innovation Under Microscope

Across the board, the DMA is being misapplied to target benign business conduct at the expense of both EU consumers and businesses as well as American tech companies.

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