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June 10, 2024

Comments to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Regarding Supporting Content Through Base Contributions

There is no free lunch to be found by imposing base contributions on foreign online undertakings to fund the government’s preferred content. The Commission should reckon with the economic realities of its proposal rather than obscuring them behind anti-foreign rhetoric.

May 28, 2024

The Untapped Technological Patent-ial of Canada

Canada is capturing less than half of its technological potential, allowing for groundbreaking research and innovations to sit unused or to be scooped up by foreign companies.

May 27, 2024

Podcast: Canada’s Poor Performance on Advanced Industry Sectors, With Rob Atkinson

Rob Atkinson appeared on the Hub Dialogues podcast to discuss ITIF’s new Centre for Canadian Innovation and Competitiveness, what explains Canada’s poor performance on advanced industry sectors, and why Canadian policymakers should listen more to “productionists” over economists.

May 3, 2024

Comments to the Competition Bureau Canada Regarding AI and Competition

The artificial intelligence market in Canada is still in its early stages but is growing rapidly and becoming increasingly competitive. At this juncture, there is no clear evidence of market failure, substantial barriers to entry, or exclusionary practices that would necessitate intervention.

May 2, 2024

Canada Needs a “Canadian” Productivity Commission

Canada needs a productivity commission. But instead of emulating Australia’s model, which is driven by orthodox neoclassical economics, it should take guidance from “productionists” with a deep understanding of firm, industry, and technology dynamics.



June 11, 2024

Comments to Kenya’s Competition Authority Regarding the Draft Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2024

Proposed changes to Kenya’s competition regime will hinder, not help its digital economy. Rather than impose substantial changes based on the false premise that digital markets require special treatment, Kenya should use existing enforcement tools to police its growing digital markets.

August 19, 2019

Comments to the U.S. International Trade Commission Regarding the Digital Economy and Trade in Sub-Saharan Africa

ITIF’s submission focuses on the ITC’s interest in recent developments in the digital economy for key SSA markets, including national and regional regulatory and policy measures and market conditions that affect digital trade.

May 6, 2019

Fact of the Week: Ethiopian Youth Given $300 Start-up Grants at Random had 36 Percent Higher Wages After One Year, But No Effect After Five Years

When attempting to evaluate the effect that a policy intervention can have on development or innovation, researchers and policymakers routinely look to short-term impacts, both out of urgency and because of the difficulty in maintaining contact with participants over several years.

October 22, 2018

Fact of the Week: Adoption of Mobile Money in Kenya Lifted 194,000 Households Out of Extreme Poverty

Over the last decade, mobile money services have brought banking to populations that have lacked formal financial services by allowing users to manage money on their mobile phones. First launched in Kenya in 2007, 96 percent of Kenyan households now use mobile money and can withdraw funds in physical currency from 110,000 agents across the country.

August 29, 2017

The Handheld Cardio-Pad: Tackling Cardiovascular Disease in Africa Through Innovation

Meet Arthur Zang, a 29 year-old Cameroonian engineer who invented the handheld Cardio-Pad, the world’s first medical tablet facilitating heart examinations and remote diagnosis. The Cardio-Pad is a touch-screen tablet device for conducting cardiac tests such as electrocardiograms in remote locations, and then sending the results to cardiologists in city centers often hundreds of miles away.



June 12, 2024

Will Korea Burn Its Digital Future Down?

Shifting from evidence-based law enforcement to heavy-handed digital regulation could stifle the innovation Korea needs and lead to various unintended consequences. As the Korean proverb goes, it’s unwise to “burn down the hut to catch a bedbug.”

May 30, 2024

Korea Should Not Import the West’s ‘Techlash’

Korea thankfully lags behind the West in its techlash “thinking,” but it is by no means free from this corrosive force. Both the West and Korea need a more positive and balanced perspective that doesn’t make technology the source of today’s societal ills.

May 29, 2024

Japan’s Proposed App Store Law Would Do No Good

Taking a cue from the EU does not make sense for Japan, because Brussels’ regulations were adopted in large measure as a response to the bloc’s failure to produce any leading digital companies of its own. Japan, by contrast, is home to many of the world’s top technology companies.

May 15, 2024

Comments to the Indian Ministry of Corporate Affairs Regarding Digital Competition Law

Rather than allow India’s dynamic high-tech and startup ecosystem to continue to flourish, the Draft Digital Competition Bill follows the path of overbearing competition policy taken by the EU, which lacks any leading digital firms. India should instead privilege the U.S. model of markets and dynamism.

February 14, 2024

Assessing India’s Readiness to Assume a Greater Role in Global Semiconductor Value Chains

India has the potential to play a much more significant role in global semiconductor value chains, provided the government upholds its investment policies, maintains a conducive regulatory and business environment, and avoids measures that create unpredictability.



July 2, 2024

Airbus CEO Indicts Wrong Global Trade Villain

Only a full commitment from the European Union and United States can counter China's economic predation and preserve a market-based system. Criticism that doesn't include China's subsidization, IP theft, and product dumping isn't serious.

July 2, 2024

Podcast: The Four-Dimensional China Challenge, With David Moschella

David Moschella appeared on The China Desk with Steve Yates to discuss the historically unique challenge China poses to the United States and the West as the world’s largest market, the world’s largest supplier, America’s fiercest competitor, and a geopolitical and military rival—themes that pervade Moschella and Rob Atkinson’s book Technology Fears and Scapegoats.

July 1, 2024

Fact of the Week: AI and Robotics Adoption Boost Local Technological Innovation in Chinese Cities

A recent working paper found that AI and robotics directly promote technological innovation while also bolstering the impact of science and technology investments on technological innovation.

June 20, 2024

Podcast: China’s Wide Lead in Nuclear Power Generation, With Stephen Ezell

Stephen Ezell appeared on the Energi Talks podcast with journalist Markham Hislop to discuss ITIF’s assessment of Chinese innovation in the nuclear industry.

June 17, 2024

How Innovative Is China in Nuclear Power?

Though China built upon a foreign base of technology, it has become the world’s leading proponent of nuclear energy. Chinese firms are well ahead of their Western peers, supported by a whole-of-government strategy that provides extensive financing and systemic coordination.



July 2, 2024

Airbus CEO Indicts Wrong Global Trade Villain

Only a full commitment from the European Union and United States can counter China's economic predation and preserve a market-based system. Criticism that doesn't include China's subsidization, IP theft, and product dumping isn't serious.

July 1, 2024

European Commission Threatens Free Online Services with Misunderstood Ads Ruling, Says ITIF

Following the European Commission notifying Meta of its preliminary finding that the social network’s advertising model violates European law, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) Vice President Daniel Castro issued the following statement.

July 1, 2024

Two Key Moves The EU’s New AI Office Should Make To Foster Innovation

With the AI Act set to take effect soon, the focus now shifts to implementing this complex legislation. Central to this effort is establishing the AI Office, mandated to coordinate the Act's application, conduct AI safety research, develop Codes of Practice, and address compliance issues. However, there are concerns that bureaucratic challenges could hinder the Office, potentially stalling European AI innovation.

June 27, 2024

It’s Time for Pro-Innovation, Atlanticist European Leadership

The EU is at a strategic crossroads when it comes to techno-economic policy. As the new Commission and Parliament take office, they must choose between fidelity to the transatlantic alliance and “strategic independence,” as well as between maintaining regulatory hostility toward large tech companies and unleashing innovation in Europe.

June 27, 2024

Irish DPA’s Request to Meta Is a Misguided Move

The Irish Data Protection Authority (DPA) requested Meta pause its plans to train AI on public posts from its users last week. This request, instigated by complaints and pushback from the advocacy group NOYB (“none of your business”), is a shortsighted move that threatens to stifle innovation in developing AI systems.



June 10, 2024

How Generative AI Is Changing the Global South’s IT Services Sector

Given the potential for countries to reshore and automate previously outsourced IT occupations, the Global South’s IT services appear vulnerable to the displacing effects of AI. Yet, existing policy responses may be insufficient to address that challenge.

May 29, 2024

State Department Risks Overlooking Potential of AI For Human Rights

President Biden’s 2023 executive order on artificial intelligence (AI) directed the State Department to work with other agencies and stakeholders to develop guidance for identifying and managing human rights risks associated with AI. As the State Department prepares this guidance, it should emphasize that in many cases, the risk of inaction—the missed opportunities to use AI to improve human rights—presents the most significant threat, and it should prioritize deploying AI to support and enhance human rights.

May 6, 2024

Public Knowledge vs. Progress: The Debate on Website Blocking in the United States and Elsewhere

Congress and other stakeholders would do well to ignore SOPA as a relic of the past and instead focus on those stakeholders who want to engage on the substantial and growing body of evidence from around the world.

February 26, 2024

Fact of the Week: Cross-Border Patenting Would Have Been 43 Percent Lower Without Globalization

A new working paper estimates that cross-border patenting from the Global North to the Global South would have been about 43 percent lower in the absence of globalization.

February 21, 2024

Podcast: AI Regulation Around the World, With Daniel Castro

Daniel Castro appeared on the Intended Consequences podcast to discuss how countries around the world are going about regulating artificial intelligence and stimulating innovation.


Latin America

June 7, 2024

Mexico, Maize, and Food Sovereignty

Mexico's newly elected president, Claudia Sheinbaum, can reverse President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's anti-innovation policies toward genetically modified maize, and improve the lives of small farmers across Mexico.

May 15, 2024

Assessing University-Industry Research Attention in Latin America and the Caribbean

The current scope of University-Industry (U-I) collaboration in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) opens opportunities for research to progress in innovative directions.

May 13, 2024

Comments to Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) Regarding Digital Markets and Competition

Regulation in the digital sector should only be necessary to remedy market failure that cannot be addressed by the current legal framework, which simply is not true.

May 2, 2024

Comments to Brazil’s Finance Ministry Regarding Digital Markets Regulation

As Brazil crafts its own Digital Markets Act in the mold of the EU’s, it should be aware of the potential shortcomings and unsubstantiated advantages associated with such wide-ranging economic regulation within the digital market landscape.

April 22, 2024

LATAM Health Champions, 2024

Innovation plays a critical role in improving public health and in overcoming global health challenges. The call for LATAM Health Champions, which ran from February 5 to March 5, 2024, received more than 60 applications proposing innovative health solutions to a wide range of health challenges. Here, the top 20 are highlighted.


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