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September 23, 2024|Blogs

We Need an Allied Effort to Establish New Global Manufacturing Hubs to Compete With China

China accounted for 35 percent of global manufacturing as of 2023. The United States and Western allies should launch a global competition to establish competing manufacturing hubs in countries that commit to reforming restrictive regulations, reducing corruption, boosting skill development, and ensuring adequate financial incentives and infrastructure.

September 20, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Testimony to the US House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee: Protecting American Innovation by Establishing and Enforcing Strong Digital Trade Rules

Congress needs to make clear that it expects other nations to cease and desist, while at the same time holding whoever is in the White House to high standards of more strongly incorporating digital issues into a robust trade defense strategy.

September 20, 2024|Op-Eds & Contributed Articles

Advancing US-Japan Economic Security Partnership and Countering Chinese Economic Coercion

The United States and Japan must make a concerted effort to mutually advance their economic security and counter Chinese economic coercion, while bringing other allied nations aboard the enterprise to the greatest extent possible.

September 19, 2024|Blogs

Beyond What Meets the Eye: How SELENA+ is Revolutionizing the Detection of Eye Diseases

Selena is transforming eye care by leveraging AI to detect diseases like diabetic retinopathy with unprecedented accuracy, helping to diagnose issues early and prevent blindness, thus improving patient outcomes and offering more access globally.

September 18, 2024|Podcasts

Podcast: Busting Technology Myths: AI, Jobs, Politics, & Privacy, With Rob Atkinson

Rob Atkinson appeared on the TechSurge: The Deep Tech Podcast to share his insights on innovation economics, government policy, and the critical role of entrepreneurs in shaping the future of tech.

September 18, 2024|Blogs

Why Watermarking Text Fails to Stop Misinformation and Plagiarism

The rise of generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, has transformed text creation but also raises concerns about misuse, including plagiarism and misinformation. While some propose watermarking to label AI-generated content, this approach is technically flawed and ineffective, failing to address the root causes of these issues; instead, more comprehensive strategies are needed to combat misinformation and promote academic integrity.

September 16, 2024|Reports & Briefings

China Is Rapidly Becoming a Leading Innovator in Advanced Industries

There may be no more important question for the West’s competitive position in advanced industries than whether China is becoming a rival innovator. While the evidence suggests it hasn’t yet taken the overall lead, it has pulled ahead in certain areas, and in many others Chinese firms will likely equal or surpass Western firms within a decade or so.

September 16, 2024|Reports & Briefings

How Innovative Is China in the Display Industry?

Chinese companies have become leading innovators in display technologies, in addition to becoming the largest global producers. China’s display industry has grown as a result of extensive subsidies, rampant intellectual property theft, and economies of scale.

September 16, 2024|Blogs

Fact of the Week: AI Rice Farming Technology in Nigeria Reduces Water Use by 30 Percent

A new irrigation technology incorporating AI sensors reduces water use by 30 percent and methane emissions by 47 percent compared to continuous irrigation methods.

September 14, 2024|Op-Eds & Contributed Articles

The World’s Innovation Fire-Breathing Dragon

Forget the nonsense that China can’t innovate. Beijing may well come out on top in advanced industries.

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