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- For brief overviews of how key technologies work and why they matter, see ITIF’s “Technology Explainer Series.”
- For a menu of actionable policy ideas to foster innovation, growth, and progress, see ITIF’s “Tech Policy To-Do List.”
February 25, 2025
The Inflation Reduction Act Is Negotiating the United States Out of Drug Innovation
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) undermines innovation in small-molecule drugs by subjecting them to price controls after 9 years, whereas large-molecule drugs (biologics) are allowed 13 years of market pricing. Congress should pass the bipartisan EPIC Act to remedy this issue.
February 18, 2025
A Policymaker’s Guide to China’s Technology Security Strategy
The U.S. government must adopt a clear-eyed view of China’s technology security strategy by recognizing China is temporarily lagging in some sectors, rapidly catching up in others, and already leading in many.
January 27, 2025
Mend It, Don’t End It: It’s Time to Reset Clean Energy Policy by Focusing on Price/Performance Parity (P3)
The Trump administration and Congress have a golden opportunity to put clean energy policy on a new, more viable track by adopting an innovation-based strategy to spur technologies that can compete with fossil fuels on both price and performance.
January 24, 2025
About ITIF’s Aegis Project for Defending U.S. Technology Leadership
The Aegis Project’s mission is to defend U.S. technology leadership and ensure America wins the global competition with China by calling attention to domestic and foreign policies that undermine U.S. technology firms’ ability to innovate and compete on fair terms in global markets.
January 21, 2025
BEAD Needs All Technologies to Succeed
The administration should reform the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program to stop favoring overly expensive fiber when LEO satellites could do the same job for less. Taking a technology-neutral approach to broadband deployment would save money that could be better spent on other causes of the digital divide.
January 13, 2025
A Blueprint for Broadband Affordability
Congress should create a more targeted and durable Affordable Connectivity Program by aligning funding priorities with the remaining causes of the digital divide. By prioritizing affordability rather than deployment, the new program can connect low-income households without new federal spending.
December 16, 2024
Why AI-Generated Content Labeling Mandates Fall Short
Mandatory labeling for AI-generated content, particularly through watermarking, is neither a reasonable nor effective solution to the issues policymakers seek to address. Rather than singling out AI-generated content, policymakers should prioritize building trust within the digital ecosystem as a whole.
December 9, 2024
Why South Korea Should Resist New Digital Platform Laws
Policymakers in South Korea are weighing a raft of digital market provisions inspired by the EU’s Digital Markets Act. Their goal is to rein in allegedly anticompetitive practices by Big Tech firms. But the proposed interventions are unwarranted and risk harming innovation, straining relations with the United States during uncertain times, and opening the door to China.
December 9, 2024
Which US Allies Are Most Likely to Face Trump Tariffs—and How Can They Avoid the Wrath of an “America First” Doctrine?
President-elect Trump believes the era of U.S.-led globalization has been harmful to America. One way he intends to change course is by imposing tariffs on nations that take advantage of U.S. goodwill and leadership. At greatest risk will be nations with low military budgets, high trade balances, policy barriers to reciprocal trade, and soft positions on China.
December 4, 2024
Innovate4Health: The Power of Intellectual Property and Innovation in Solving Global Health Challenges
Many of the world’s biggest challenges are health challenges. The good news is that, more than ever, people are meeting these challenges with innovative solutions.