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Innovation Files: Where Tech Meets Public Policy

Innovation Files: Where Tech Meets Policy

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Explore the intersection of technology, innovation, and public policy with the world’s leading think tank for science and tech policy. ITIF’s Innovation Files podcast serves up expert interviews, insights, and commentary on topics ranging from the broad economics of innovation to specific policy and regulatory questions about new technologies. Expect to hear some unconventional wisdom.

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July 2, 2024

Podcast: The Four-Dimensional China Challenge, With David Moschella

David Moschella appeared on The China Desk with Steve Yates to discuss the historically unique challenge China poses to the United States and the West as the world’s largest market, the world’s largest supplier, America’s fiercest competitor, and a geopolitical and military rival—themes that pervade Moschella and Rob Atkinson’s book Technology Fears and Scapegoats.

June 28, 2024

Podcast: Information Technology Is Increasingly Critical and Increasingly Demonized, With Daniel Castro

Over the last several years, public opinion on technology and the use of data has shifted from excitement to skepticism to fear.

June 27, 2024

Podcast: Busting Tech Myths, With Rob Atkinson and David Moschella

Rob Atkinson and David Moschella appeared on the Explain to Shane podcast with AEI’s Shane Tews to discuss their book Technology Fears and Scapegoats.

June 20, 2024

Podcast: China’s Wide Lead in Nuclear Power Generation, With Stephen Ezell

Stephen Ezell appeared on the Energi Talks podcast with journalist Markham Hislop to discuss ITIF’s assessment of Chinese innovation in the nuclear industry.

June 10, 2024

Podcast: Remaining Realistic and Optimistic About the Promise of the Future, With Jim Pethokoukis

The future will be much improved if society fights the fear of technology.

June 6, 2024

Podcast: Big Tech’s Critics Have Gotten a Lot Wrong on AI, With David Moschella

David Moschella appeared on Everyday AI to discuss misinformation about artificial intelligence and how to set the record straight, push fear-mongering aside, and ethically put AI to good use—topics addressed in the new book Moschella co-authored with Rob Atkinson, Technology Fears and Scapegoats.

June 4, 2024

Podcast: Is America’s ‘Free-Market’ a Myth? With Rob Atkinson

Rob Atkinson appeared on the Foundation for American Innovation’s podcast The Dynamist with former FCC policy advisor Evan Swarztrauber to discuss myths about social media and democracy, small businesses and innovation, corporate profits, and laissez-faire capitalism.

May 29, 2024

Podcast: Is Technology a Force for Good or Evil? With Rob Atkinson and David Moschella

Rob Atkinson and David Moschella appeared on The Bill Walton Show to discuss their new book, Technology Fears and Scapegoats.

May 28, 2024

Podcast: The Origins and Consequences of Pharmaceutical Industry Myths, With Rob Atkinson

Rob Atkinson appeared on Elevate, the podcast of the Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS), to discuss the origins of negative opinions of the pharmaceutical industry and whether a for-profit model can support both innovation and the society’s best interests, topics he covered in his book Technology Fears and Scapegoats.

May 28, 2024

Podcast: Grading State BEAD Plans, With Jessica Dine

ITIF policy analyst Jessica Dine appeared on LightReading’s podcast The Divide to discuss her report evaluating and grading state proposals for the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program, and how she determined if each state is set to succeed with BEAD.

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