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September 16, 2024|Reports & Briefings

China Is Rapidly Becoming a Leading Innovator in Advanced Industries

There may be no more important question for the West’s competitive position in advanced industries than whether China is becoming a rival innovator. While the evidence suggests it hasn’t yet taken the overall lead, it has pulled ahead in certain areas, and in many others Chinese firms will likely equal or surpass Western firms within a decade or so.

September 16, 2024|Reports & Briefings

How Innovative Is China in the Display Industry?

Chinese companies have become leading innovators in display technologies, in addition to becoming the largest global producers. China’s display industry has grown as a result of extensive subsidies, rampant intellectual property theft, and economies of scale.

September 16, 2024|Blogs

Fact of the Week: AI Rice Farming Technology in Nigeria Reduces Water Use by 30 Percent

A new irrigation technology incorporating AI sensors reduces water use by 30 percent and methane emissions by 47 percent compared to continuous irrigation methods.

September 14, 2024|Op-Eds & Contributed Articles

The World’s Innovation Fire-Breathing Dragon

Forget the nonsense that China can’t innovate. Beijing may well come out on top in advanced industries.

September 12, 2024|Blogs

The CHIPS ACT Is Not a Subsidy Program, and It Will Not Address Any Given Company’s Competitiveness Challenges

Building a new fab in Asia is 30 percent cheaper than building one in the United States. So, the key point of CHIPS was not to subsidize companies by giving them money to undertake investments they would have made anyway. It was to remove the rationale for making those investments in Asia instead of in the United States.

September 11, 2024|Blogs

AI Adoption Is Key to the UK’s AI Opportunities Action Plan

The UK's AI Opportunities Action Plan focuses on sector growth and adoption. The government should encourage lightweight models, invest in industry-academia partnerships, and establish sector centres to support AI uptake across industries.

September 9, 2024|Podcasts

Podcast: Europe Needs to Focus on Solving Its 30-Year Innovation Problem, With David Evans

Europe has been enormously unsuccessful in creating substantial digital businesses for over three decades.

September 9, 2024|Blogs

Why Unions Should Align Their Demands With the National Interest in Spurring Advanced Traded-Sector Competitiveness

In industries that are globally traded, overly aggressive union demands run the risk of putting firms at a competitive disadvantage—helping current union members in the short term, but hurting the firms, future workers, and the national economy in the long term as the firms become less competitive in global markets.

September 9, 2024|Blogs

Fact of the Week: Manufacturing Firms in EU-27 Countries Using Cloud Computing Are More Likely To Export

The use of cloud computing by firms has been proven to increase productivity and innovation and to lower costs.

September 9, 2024|Reports & Briefings

How Innovative Is China in Quantum?

China’s lead in quantum communications is undeniable, but its overall quantum prowess is limited; without computing breakthroughs, the United States still holds the upper hand.

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