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On Clean Energy Innovation, Nothing to Cheer About

Rob Atkinson writes in The Korea Times that as the world's attention focuses on Glasgow, it needs to hear more than fine aspirations. Detailed actions backed with real resources that yield game-changing climate innovations are what we will be looking for. The U.N. climate conference going on in Glasgow is focusing on whether national governments are willing to ramp up their commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. President Moon Jae-in recently announced a commitment for Korea to cut its greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent by 2030.

But, as we all know, talk is cheap. Doing is hard. To turn promises into realities that succeed in averting climate harm, governments must dramatically accelerate emissions-reducing innovation. The reason is simple: Unless clean energy is as cheap and reliable as dirty energy, even the most committed country will likely not meet its aspirational targets because of citizen opposition.

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