Tech Policy To-Do List
Now updated for 2025–2026, ITIF’s Tech Policy To-Do List is a knowledge base of nearly 140 actionable policy ideas for Congress, the administration, and regulatory agencies to spur innovation, growth, and U.S. global competitiveness.
This is not an inventory of solutions for every tech and innovation issue that policymakers face today. Nor is it a complete catalogue of ITIF’s positions or recommendations. Rather, this list highlights a selection of proposals to address issues that are particularly important or have not yet received adequate attention.
In all cases, these proposals are drawn from and backed by ongoing research that ITIF conducts on the host of issues we cover at the intersection of technological innovation and public policy. If an item in the To-Do List appears to have been overtaken by events or would otherwise benefit from an update, please send detailed suggestions to ITIF Managing Editor Randolph Court and Senior Digital Communications Manager Erica Schaffer.