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Fact of the Week: If Drug Price Controls Were Lifted Throughout the OECD, the Number of new Treatments Available Would Increase 9 to 12 Percent by 2030

Fact of the Week: If Drug Price Controls Were Lifted Throughout the OECD, the Number of new Treatments Available Would Increase 9 to 12 Percent by 2030

June 18, 2018

If other countries paid their fair share for novel medicines, we’d all have more of them. New research from Precision Health Economics finds that if government price controls in non-U.S. OECD countries were lifted, the number of new treatments available would increase by 9 to 12 percent by 2030 (equivalent to 8 to 13 new drugs in that year), potentially increasing the life expectancy of the average American 15-year-old today by 0.8 to 1.6 years.

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