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Ken Zita

Ken Zita


Network Dynamics Associates, LLC

Ken Zita specializes in opportunity definition, strategic marketing and policy formulation at the highest levels of the technology, financial and government worlds. He has advised on behalf of private investors, lenders and international organizations in over 50 countries, including a number of fragile and post-conflict economies. Following 9/11 Mr. Zita served as principal U.S. telecom policy advisor to Afghanistan where he defined the blueprint for the nation's post-war information infrastructure. He later specified Congressional assistance to the countries impacted by the Asian Tsunami and later advised USPACOM on “Pacific Endeavor.” A pioneer in China's economic awakening, he has led business development for China at AT&T. Network Dynamics recently designed a public sector modernization strategy and national data center for the Palestinian Authority, and led a Definitional Mission to Libya to examine trade opportunities related to cybersecurity, data centers and institutional reform. Mr. Zita is actively advocating on the theme of “State-Building in the Digital Era: The Case for ICT in Post-Conflict and Fragile Economies” to establish ICT as an “essential service” in US foreign policy.

Recent Events and Presentations

November 8, 2012

The Impact of Cloud Computing on Developing Economies

A panel discussion with Peter Cowhey on the growth of cloud computing, its impact on developing economies, and the policies that governments should pursue to realize the benefits of cloud computing.

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