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David Moschella

David Moschella

Nonresident Senior Fellow

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

Twitter: @dmoschella

David Moschella is a nonresident senior fellow at ITIF. Previously, he was a research fellow at Leading Edge Forum (LEF), where he explored the global business impact of digital technologies, with a particular focus on disruptive business models, industry restructuring and machine intelligence. For more than a decade before LEF, David was in charge of worldwide research for IDC, the largest market analysis firm in the information technology industry, responsible for the company’s global technology industry forecasts and insights.

A well-known international speaker, writer, and thought leader, David’s books include Technology Fears and Scapegoats: 40 Myths about Privacy, Jobs, AI, and Today’s Innovation Economy (Palgrave Macmillan, 2024), Seeing Digital—A Visual Guide to the Industries, Organizations, and Careers of the 2020s (DXC Technology, 2018), Customer-Driven IT (Harvard Business School Press, 2003), and Waves of Power (Amacom, 1997). He has lectured and consulted on digital trends and strategies in more than 30 countries, working with leading customers and suppliers alike.

Recent Publications

July 2, 2024

Podcast: The Four-Dimensional China Challenge, With David Moschella

David Moschella appeared on The China Desk with Steve Yates to discuss the historically unique challenge China poses to the United States and the West as the world’s largest market, the world’s largest supplier, America’s fiercest competitor, and a geopolitical and military rival—themes that pervade Moschella and Rob Atkinson’s book Technology Fears and Scapegoats.

July 1, 2024

Don’t Blame Technology for Misinformation, Polarization, and Electoral Distrust

The roots of the word scapegoat go back to biblical times, when the sins of the people were ritually bestowed upon an actual goat, which was then sent away to remove these sins from the community. It’s an apt analogy for the way advanced technologies are now blamed for seemingly every societal ill. But just as goats weren’t responsible for the sins of the ancients, neither is technology to blame for ours.

June 27, 2024

Podcast: Busting Tech Myths, With Rob Atkinson and David Moschella

Rob Atkinson and David Moschella appeared on the Explain to Shane podcast with AEI’s Shane Tews to discuss their book Technology Fears and Scapegoats.

June 6, 2024

Podcast: Big Tech’s Critics Have Gotten a Lot Wrong on AI, With David Moschella

David Moschella appeared on Everyday AI to discuss misinformation about artificial intelligence and how to set the record straight, push fear-mongering aside, and ethically put AI to good use—topics addressed in the new book Moschella co-authored with Rob Atkinson, Technology Fears and Scapegoats.

May 29, 2024

Podcast: Is Technology a Force for Good or Evil? With Rob Atkinson and David Moschella

Rob Atkinson and David Moschella appeared on The Bill Walton Show to discuss their new book, Technology Fears and Scapegoats.

May 7, 2024

Technology Fears and Scapegoats: 40 Myths about Privacy, Jobs, AI, and Today’s Innovation Economy

Technologies and tech companies are accused of creating a myriad of societal problems. Technology Fears and Scapegoats exposes them as mostly myths, falsehoods, and exaggerations. It issues a clarion call to restore the West’s faith in technological progress.

October 17, 2023

The Myth About Hi-Tech Antitrust ‘Success’

Supporters of the recent antitrust cases against Google and Amazon like to stress America’s long history of successful technology industry interventions. But who says that the iconic cases of the past were necessary and successful?

October 2, 2023

America Doesn’t Import Too Much From China; the Real Problem Is U.S. Exports Are Too Low

America’s imports from China look large because China is so large. But proportionally, they’re less than those from the other Asian tigers. America’s large trade deficit stems primarily from its lack of high-value manufacturing exports, not just to China but to the world.

September 5, 2023

Claims That Social Media Endangers Democracy Are Mostly Misinformation

Defending Digital Series, No. 22: That digital technologies are a “threat to democracy” is now conventional wisdom, even though nontechnology factors have done much more to undermine America’s electoral confidence than anything digital. Unfortunately, today’s exaggerated electoral accusations have given additional life and power to the full range of dubious Big Tech critiques.

July 31, 2023

The Internet Didn’t Destroy Local Languages; It’s Helping Preserve Them

Defending Digital Series, No. 21: Predictions that globalization and the Internet would lead to the overwhelming dominance of the English language are proving much more wrong than right. Changes in economics, geopolitics, and culture—plus major improvements in machine translation—are making even less widely used languages more resilient than many predicted.

July 5, 2023

We Shouldn’t Ask Technologists To Be Arbiters of “Truth”

Defending Digital Series, No. 20: Tech firms’ efforts to enforce official claims of what is true or false often reduce trust more than increase it. But they can help restore societal trust by using their platforms, moderators, and algorithms to facilitate discussions about the controversial issues of the day. Fortunately, there is some early evidence that this change is now under way.

June 15, 2023

There’s Little Evidence for Today’s AI Alarmism

Defending Digital Series, No. 19: Recent high-profile statements warning of the supposed existential risk of artificial intelligence are unconvincing. Many AI fears are speculative, and many others seem manageable. Unless serious problems suddenly emerge, AI innovation should proceed and be allowed to proliferate.

More publications by David Moschella

Recent Events and Presentations

October 7, 2020

How Can America and the West Successfully Compete With China?

ITIF hosted a discussion of these issues, including how U.S. businesses are likely to be affected and what the U.S. government should do in response. An expert panel will discuss a recent ITIF report arguing the United States and its allies should focus on rebalancing global supply chains, bolstering competitiveness, adjusting to China’s market size, and solidifying the West’s appeal.

April 9, 2020

How Physical Distancing Today Will Reshape the Digital Economy of Tomorrow

ITIF hosted a video webinar to discuss the implications of the pandemic on society, industry, and individuals and what organizations and governments need to do to cope.

December 12, 2018

Is “Big Tech” Now Synonymous With Big Oil or Big Tobacco?

While the technology industry was once seen as being committed to building a better and smarter world, shifting public perceptions towards the tech industry have caused it to go on the defensive when it comes to issues ranging from data privacy to income equity, workplace diversity, and antitrust enforcement. Has the technology industry become worthy of the same scrutiny as the oil, banking, or airline industry? Join ITIF for an in-depth discussion of these critical issues, including an assessment of the validity of commonly voiced concerns and what the industry needs to do to avoid becoming the next Big Oil.

July 31, 2014

From Big Data to Cloud Computing: How IT is Creating a New Era of Disruptive Innovation

ITIF will host a panel discussion on why disruptive IT transformations are occurring and how they impact consumers businesses and IT policy.

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