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Dan Correa

Dan Correa

Senior Advisor for Innovation Policy

White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Dan Correa is Senior Advisor for Innovation Policy at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, where his portfolio spans topics from government innovation to entrepreneurship policies. He leads the White House Smart Cities Initiative, launched in fall of 2015, and co-led a 2015 update to the President's Strategy for American Innovation, which provides a blueprint for the Administration's efforts to promote lasting economic growth and competitiveness through innovation. Previously, Correa worked as an analyst at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a Washington, D.C. think tank, where he authored reports on innovation, entrepreneurship, and broadband policy, which have been cited in publications including the Atlantic, the New York Times, and the Washington Post. Correa has also consulted for the Connecticut Technology Council on state entrepreneurship policies and technology-based economic development, and worked on several political campaigns. He previously held the position of Kauffman Fellow in Law, Economics and Entrepreneurship at Yale Law School. Correa is a graduate of Yale Law School, holds a Masters in Economics from Yale University, and a Bachelors from Dartmouth College.

Recent Publications

May 1, 2008

Explaining International Broadband Leadership

Based on the findings from other nations, the report proposes 11 policy recommendations to spur both deployment of more ubiquitous and faster networks and adoption of broadband by consumers.

October 22, 2007

The Road to Next-Generation Broadband

An article of "IEEE Internet Computing Journal" documents how other nations have more robust broadband than the United States.

April 24, 2007

Assessing Broadband in America: OECD and ITIF Broadband Rankings

ITIF Broadband Rankings benchmark broadband penetration, price and speed in OECD countries.

February 27, 2007

The 2007 State New Economy Index: Benchmarking Economic Transformation in the States

ITIF employs 26 indicators to assess the extent to which the 50 state economies are structured according to the tenets of the New Economy.

More publications by Dan Correa

Recent Events and Presentations

May 20, 2016

Digitizing America’s Infrastructure for the 21st Century Economy

Please join ITIF to discuss a new report exploring why building out digital and hybrid infrastructure is critical to seizing the next wave of economic opportunities, creating jobs, and improving people’s quality of life.

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