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Charles R. Hulten

Charles R. Hulten

Professor of Economics

University of Maryland

Charles R. Hulten is Professor of Economics at the University of Maryland, where he has taught since 1985. He is also a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and Chairman of the Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, and Senior Fellow at The Conference Board. He is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Before joining the University of Maryland, he was a Senior Research Associate at the Urban Institute and Assistant Professor of Economics at Johns Hopkins University. His undergraduate and Ph.D. degrees are from the University of California, Berkeley (1965 and 1973, respectively). Research interests include productivity analysis, economic growth and development, and capital formation and the measurement of economic depreciation. Recent research includes work on the measurement of intangible capital and the effects of intangibles on economic growth and corporate wealth.

Hulten has written extensively on the problems of capital stock measurement. His study with Frank Wykoff on the measurement of economic depreciation of capital assets, conducted for the U.S. Treasury Department, became the basis for the capital stock estimates used in the U.S. National Income and Product Accounts. He has also worked on a number of aspects associated with the measurement and valuation of public sector capital and infrastructure networks.

Recent Events and Presentations

April 19, 2012

The Innovation Consensus: Economic Growth in 2013 and Beyond

ITIF, Silicon Flatirons and the Technology Policy Institute host The Innovation Consensus: Economic Growth in 2013 and Beyond. Register now.

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