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Arvind Krishna

Arvind Krishna

Senior Vice President and Director

IBM Research

Arvind Krishna is senior vice president and director, IBM Research. In this role, he helps guide the company’s overall technical strategy, leading a global organization of approximately 3,000 scientists and technologists located at 12 labs on six continents.

Arvind was most recently general manager of IBM Systems and Technology Group’s Development and Manufacturing organization, responsible for the advanced engineering and development of a full technology portfolio, ranging from advanced semiconductor materials to leading-edge microprocessors, servers and storage systems.

He was previously general manager of IBM Information Management, which included database, information integration and Big Data software solutions. Prior to that, he was vice president of strategy for IBM Software. He has held several key technical roles in IBM Software and IBM Research, where he pioneered IBM’s security software business.

Arvind has an undergraduate degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Recent Events and Presentations

June 14, 2016

ITIF 10-Year Anniversary Conference: Restoring Investment in America’s Economy

On the occasion of ITIF’s 10-year anniversary, with the generous support of Bernard L. Schwartz, ITIF will hold a half-day conference exploring policy solutions to restore America’s investment-driven economy.

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