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Alec Tyson

Alec Tyson

Associate Director of Research

Pew Research Center

Twitter: @alec_h_tyson

Alec Tyson is an associate director of research at Pew Research Center, where he studies public views of science and technology and the implications of science for society. He is an expert in U.S. survey research and has written about American public opinion on a range of topics, including artificial intelligence, the growing role of partisanship in American life, climate change, the environment, and trust in scientists. Alec regularly presents findings from the Center’s studies to various groups in the academic, diplomatic and policy sectors and is a frequently quoted expert in national media. He is an active member of the American Association of Public Opinion Research.

Recent Events and Presentations

May 21, 2024

Insights on US Public Opinion on AI

Watch now for a Capitol Hill event covering an in-depth survey by ITIF’s Center for Data Innovation and Public First about what of Americans thinks about AI, how these views have shifted over the past year, and the implications of these beliefs for businesses, policymakers, and society at large.

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