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As the Internet has evolved from an occasional-use resource to a pervasive, always-on broadband ecosystem, the networking technologies underpinning it have developed faster than legal and regulatory frameworks can adjust. This has led to complex policy challenges that must be overcome to ensure that networks of the future can develop to their fullest potential. On wireless policy, ITIF's focus areas include analyzing policies and trends related to wireless technology, spectrum management and sharing, and radio usage rights.


Sharing Without Daring: Dynamic Spectrum Sharing With Certainty of Access

Sharing Without Daring: Dynamic Spectrum Sharing With Certainty of Access

The dichotomy between dynamic spectrum sharing and exclusive licensing is a false one. Reliable, full-power access is possible within a dynamic sharing framework if the FCC auctions super-priority rights to commercial users.

Filling Gaps in US Spectrum Allocation: Reforms for Collaborative Management

Filling Gaps in US Spectrum Allocation: Reforms for Collaborative Management

Interrelated gaps and failures in the process and policies used to efficiently allocate spectrum demand comprehensive reform. To prevent future failures, policymakers must improve device performance, increase data gathering and sharing, and clarify the spectrum allocation process.

Five Principles for Spectrum Policy: A Primer for Policymakers

Five Principles for Spectrum Policy: A Primer for Policymakers

Spectrum policy takes engineering and technical realities as inputs to a decision-making process that is driven by normative principles. While many competing principles have had their heyday, these five are enduring guides to making spectrum work in the public interest.

More Publications and Events

August 12, 2024|Blogs

Consumers Will Be On the End of the CPUC Regulatory Sledgehammer

While the intent behind these regulations is commendable, in practice they are too rigid and will be prove counterproductive, hurting consumers.

March 20, 2024|Events

The Way Forward for U.S. Spectrum Policy

Watch now for an ITIF discussion alongside experts and stakeholders who will provide context and perspectives for the state of U.S. spectrum policy and discuss how we can increase the productivity of scarce spectrum resources.

February 29, 2024|Blogs

Spectrum Success Requires Smart Studies

These best practices should guide the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and all federal agencies as they implement the National Spectrum Strategy.

January 2, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Comments to the NTIA Regarding the Implementation of the National Spectrum Strategy

The implementation of the National Spectrum Strategy should ensure studies prioritize opening spectrum for commercial use. The Strategy will be a failure if agencies resist change rather than being active collaborators in opening spectrum to commercial users.

December 20, 2023|Blogs

Hard WRC: United States Muddles Through Rather Than Leading Global Spectrum Conference

In an era where connectivity is paramount, the United States must seize the opportunity to recalibrate its approach to spectrum to ensure it remains at the forefront of the evolving wireless landscape.

October 23, 2023|Reports & Briefings

Good and Bad Reasons for Allocating Spectrum to Licensed, Unlicensed, Shared, and Satellite Uses

Policymakers inundated with self-serving arguments for specific spectrum allocation need ways to evaluate which actually advance the public interest. By focusing on the goal of productive spectrum use, one can differentiate between reasoning that would enhance productivity and that which would only advance private interests.

October 4, 2023|Blogs

Pending: A Modern U.S. Spectrum Strategy

The United States has long been at the forefront of spectrum policy, but it seems more willing to abdicate that post than to build a coherent spectrum strategy that prepares modern-day spectrum policy for the next decade.

June 21, 2023|Testimonies & Filings

Comments to the FCC in the Matter of Transfer Control of International Section 214 Authority Held by Mint Mobile

The Commission should narrowly tailor its review of this merger to the purposes of Section 214. Because this proposed merger presents little chance of consumer harm and a strong probability of consumer benefits, the Commission should approve it as consistent with the statute and recent Commission precedent.

April 17, 2023|Testimonies & Filings

Comments to the NTIA Regarding Development of a National Spectrum Strategy

A national spectrum strategy is essential to driving U.S. leadership in wireless technology and applications. By focusing on spectrum productivity and balance between different access regimes, the United States will be poised to lead the world in spectrum.

April 10, 2023|Blogs

Fact of the Week: US Ranks 12th Among Leading Markets in Share of Mid-Band Spectrum Allocated to Exclusive Licenses

The Federal Communications Commission auctioned off 270 MHz of mid-band radio spectrum to exclusive licensed use, and the United States now ranks 12th out of the 15 benchmark countries.

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