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Economic Theory

As nations engage in a race for global advantage in innovation, ITIF champions a new policy paradigm that ensures businesses and national economies can compete successfully by spurring public and private investment in foundational areas such as research, skills, and 21st century infrastructure. Our work in the realm of economic theory assesses the negative impact of conventional neo-Keynesianism and neoclassical economics on the 21st century economy and promoting “Innovation Economics” as a sounder alternative.


Speed Up America, Slow Down China, or Both? The Key Strategic Question for the 21st Century

Speed Up America, Slow Down China, or Both? The Key Strategic Question for the 21st Century

The reality is that if America does not do both—speed itself up, and slow China down—then it will likely lose the techno-economic race in the advanced, traded-sector industries that are most strategically important for the country’s dual-use industrial base and national security.

The National Economic Council Gets It Wrong on the Roles of Big and Small Firms in U.S. Innovation

The National Economic Council Gets It Wrong on the Roles of Big and Small Firms in U.S. Innovation

A new White House report insinuates that small firms are America’s true innovators. Advancing this narrative makes it easier to advance an anticorporate antitrust agenda, including banning all mergers. However, scholarly studies and data do not support the administration’s premise.

More Publications and Events

June 27, 2024|Blogs

It’s Time for Pro-Innovation, Atlanticist European Leadership

The EU is at a strategic crossroads when it comes to techno-economic policy. As the new Commission and Parliament take office, they must choose between fidelity to the transatlantic alliance and “strategic independence,” as well as between maintaining regulatory hostility toward large tech companies and unleashing innovation in Europe.

June 4, 2024|Podcasts

Podcast: Is America’s ‘Free-Market’ a Myth? With Rob Atkinson

Rob Atkinson appeared on the Foundation for American Innovation’s podcast The Dynamist with former FCC policy advisor Evan Swarztrauber to discuss myths about social media and democracy, small businesses and innovation, corporate profits, and laissez-faire capitalism.

May 29, 2024|Blogs

Unmasking Greedflation: Debunking the Neo-Brandeisian Narrative

Policymakers should focus on finding the real causes of inflation rather than scapegoating large corporations and adopting the neo-Brandeisian claim that the rise in prices is due to “greedflation.”

May 27, 2024|Podcasts

Podcast: Canada’s Poor Performance on Advanced Industry Sectors, With Rob Atkinson

Rob Atkinson appeared on the Hub Dialogues podcast to discuss ITIF’s new Centre for Canadian Innovation and Competitiveness, what explains Canada’s poor performance on advanced industry sectors, and why Canadian policymakers should listen more to “productionists” over economists.

May 20, 2024|Podcasts

Podcast: Tech Facts and Fallacies, With Rob Atkinson

ITIF President Rob Atkinson appeared on TechFreedom’s Tech Policy Podcast to discuss the new book he co-authored with David Moschella, Technology Fears and Scapegoats.

April 1, 2024|Blogs

Fact of the Week: Financial Liberalization Increases Technology Diffusion Within a Country by 7–9 Percent

A recent working paper indicates a positive impact of financial liberalization on capital inflows, technology diffusion, and economic growth.

March 19, 2024|Events

An Era of Economic Warfare: Examining the EU’s Economic Security Strategy

Watch now for an expert panel discussion of Europe’s efforts and the implications for an allied approach to economic security in an era of economic warfare.

February 16, 2024|Op-Eds & Contributed Articles

The Case for National Developmentalism

National developmentalism is a third alternative to neoliberalism and neo-New Dealism, according to Robert Atkinson's piece in The Liberal Patriot.

January 28, 2024|Blogs

Abandoning Growth and Increasing Inequality: A Critical Look at Oxfam’s Recommendations for Corporate Regulations

Governments should ignore the message that large firms are harmful and instead allow them to acquire market power legitimately, keep IP rights strong, and reduce corporate tax rates. Doing so will increase innovation and expand the economic pie for everyone.

January 22, 2024|Reports & Briefings

National Developmentalism: The Alternative to Neoliberalism and Neo-New Dealism

Neoliberalism’s deficiencies are clear. To address the challenges America now faces, policymakers should adopt the doctrine of national developmentalism and not allow economic policy to swing back toward a revised New Dealism, as it is now doing.

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