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As every sector of the global economy and nearly every facet of modern society undergo digital transformation, ITIF advocates for policies that spur not just the development of IT innovations, but more importantly their adoption and use throughout the economy. In the area of AR/VR, ITIF researches how immersive technologies can transform the ways people communicate, work, and learn.

Alex Ambrose
Alex Ambrose

Policy Analyst

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Ash Johnson
Ash Johnson

Senior Policy Manager

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

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ITIF Series on User Safety in AR/VR: Protecting Adults, Teens, and Kids

ITIF Series on User Safety in AR/VR: Protecting Adults, Teens, and Kids

Over the past decade, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have seen continuous growth and maturation. As AR/VR technologies enter the mainstream, one priority is addressing user safety: ensuring AR/VR products and services do not cause injury, harm, or loss to users.

The Case for Immersive Tech in Apprenticeship Programs

The Case for Immersive Tech in Apprenticeship Programs

Immersive technologies have already proved to be useful in supplementing classroom education and on-the-job training. Those successes underscore how implementing the technology can bolster the effectiveness of apprenticeship programs in the United States.

More Publications and Events

January 24, 2025|Testimonies & Filings

Comments to Standards Australia Regarding Children’s Safety in the Metaverse

Standards Australia should establish age-based guidelines for the metaverse using existing content ratings; require device operating systems to create an opt-in “trustworthy child flag” system; work with global, government-led groups to build voluntary industry standards with a focus on interoperability; and promote digital literacy campaigns for children to operate in the metaverse safely.

September 12, 2024|Events

AR/VR Policy Conference 2024

Watch now for the fourth annual AR/VR Policy Conference presented by Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) and the XR Association.

September 3, 2024|Reports & Briefings

User Safety in AR/VR: Protecting Kids

Children play a crucial role in driving adoption of immersive technologies—and parents, corporations, and regulators all have roles to play in balancing privacy and safety concerns to ensure they can enjoy safe, engaging, and innovative experiences.

August 29, 2024|Events

Emerging Tech and the Future of Accessibility

Watch now for an expert panel discussion exploring the positive potential of technological innovation to transform society for the better by increasing accessibility for all.

July 26, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Comments Before NIST Regarding Preliminary Research on Cybersecurity and Privacy Standards for Immersive Technologies

Digital identity should play a key role in shaping the governance structures in immersive technologies and NIST is well placed to lead this charge.

March 8, 2024|Testimonies & Filings

Comments to the European Commission’s Directorate General for Competition on Virtual Worlds and Generative AI

The market for AR/VR technologies, though nascent, presents a multifaceted competitive landscape spanning hardware, software, and distribution. And the generative AI market is experiencing early-stage growth with no significant entry barriers evident, particularly concerning data, computational resources, and talent.

February 5, 2024|Reports & Briefings

User Safety in AR/VR: Protecting Teens

Teens are some of the enthusiastic early adopters of augmented and virtual reality devices and the metaverse. Their relative lack of maturity and naivete makes them more susceptible to safety threats than adults. Yet, current policy proposals are unlikely to make AR/VR safer and would make online experiences worse overall for both teens and adults.

December 5, 2023|Presentations

Building the Foundations for a Successful Metaverse: Opportunities and Challenges

Daniel Castro speaks on a panel about how policymakers can support societal and economic benefits from the metaverse at an event in Washington, D.C. sponsored by The Economist.

November 30, 2023|Events

AR/VR in Classrooms: The Roadmap to Widespread Adoption

Watch this panel discussion with policymakers and educators on how to rollout immersive technology in classrooms in ways that are efficient, safe, and inclusive.

November 9, 2023|Blogs

The United States Is Already Playing Catch Up With Digital Twins

Planning and developing digital twins is a time-consuming process. While the U.S. government is only beginning to notice the potential benefits of using this tech, other countries have comprehensive adoption plans, with some of them already deploying tangible results.

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