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US v. Google: Implications of a Landmark Trial

US v. Google: Implications of a Landmark Trial
Wednesday, December 13, 202311:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST
Virtual Webinar

Event Summary

The opening salvo in the ongoing crusade against Big Tech—the Justice Department’s landmark antitrust case against Google, like United States v. Microsoft before it—will be remembered as a defining moment in the history of antitrust law. In a spirited trial, DOJ argued that Google maintained a monopoly in general search and related advertising through a series of agreements with web browser developers and companies that manufacture or sell Android devices, which require Google to be preinstalled at various access points. In defense, Google attacked the generality of DOJ’s market definition, explaining how competition is just a “click away,” and articulated the procompetitive justifications for its agreements. With the trial having concluded, which side is likely to prevail before District Judge Amit Mehta? Even if DOJ wins, what would any remedy look like, and will it make a difference? What are the broader implications of this case for other ongoing cases against “Big Tech”?

Watch now for an expert panel discussion on the possible outcomes and implications of this landmark antitrust case.


Joseph V.
Joseph V. Coniglio@JosephVConiglio
Director, Schumpeter Project on Competition Policy
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Megan Gray@megangrA
Founder & CEO
GrayMatters Law & Policy
Adam Kovacevich@adamkovac
Founder and CEO
Chamber of Progress
Thomas Lambert@profthomlambert
Wall Chair in Corporate Law and Governance and Professor of Law, Center for Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship
University of Missouri
John Yun
Associate Professor of Law and Director of Economic Education
Global Antitrust Institute (GAI), George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School
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