The State of U.S. Broadband in 2022: Reassessing the Whole Picture
Event Summary
A strong broadband ecosystem is integral to equipping society for the digital age. But understanding the actual state of broadband in the United States is deceptively complex. Overlapping terminology, contradictory data sources, and disagreements over how to interpret them contribute to an ongoing debate over what should be hard facts: the number of people in the United States that have connectivity at home, whether prices in the U.S. are high or low, and what even counts as a broadband connection. It’s hard to solve a problem when we don’t even agree on where the problem areas are. To provide a clearer picture of broadband in the United States, a recent report from ITIF analyzed the latest data on broadband deployment, adoption, and prices to benchmark the U.S. broadband ecosystem against other nations.
Join ITIF for a discussion about the current state of broadband in the United States, how to best assess U.S. broadband, what the remaining areas for improvement are, and the best practices for solving them.