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Rejuvenating Global Energy Innovation to Deliver on Glasgow

Rejuvenating Global Energy Innovation to Deliver on Glasgow
Thursday, January 13, 202210:00 AM to 11:00 AM EST

Event Summary

The Glasgow climate conference concluded with a new round of promises from nations and firms to curb greenhouse gas emissions, thereby limiting global temperature rises to 2°C or less. But these promises cannot become realities without a robust global energy innovation system to develop, commercialize, and scale the next generation of emissions-reducing solutions. Unfortunately, as ITIF finds in a new, multi-faceted assessment, the system must be rejuvenated before it will be able to fulfill the Glasgow agenda. National governments must expand their RD&D investments and adopt other policies that support clean energy innovation, while the private sector drives the global transition through continuous entrepreneurship and market experimentation.

ITIF’s Center for Clean Energy Innovation hosted a discussion of the health of the global clean energy innovation system, why continuous investments in the system matter, and what a healthy system should look like.


Julie Cerqueira
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
DOE International Affairs
Hoyu Chong@HoyuChong
Senior Policy Analyst
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Anthony DeOrsey
Research Manager
Cleantech Group
Nick Johnstone
Chief Statistician
David M.
David M. Hart@profdavidhart
Professor of Public Policy
George Mason University Schar School of Policy and Government
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