March-In Rights for Federally Funded Inventions: A Primer
Event Summary
Bayh-Dole’s “march-in” provision—which allows the government to mandate the relicensing of federally-funded innovations in limited circumstances—is often subject to misinterpretation. For nearly 20 years, critics have claimed that Bayh-Dole’s march-in right can be used as a price-setting mechanism—rather than a tool meant to ensure that private companies make good faith efforts to commercialize federally-funded inventions.
Please join ITIF and the Bayh-Dole Coalition for a video webinar that will clarify the provision’s intent and explain once and for all how Bayh-Dole’s march-in right can and cannot be used. Speakers will detail how misusing march-in rights as a price-setting mechanism would eliminate research, development, and investment incentives across the technology transfer, venture capital, and life sciences industries.