What Should Europe Do To Embrace AI-Powered Manufacturing?
Event Summary
Artificial intelligence (AI) is forcing virtually all industries to evolve. In manufacturing, it will unlock new sources of value creation, reshape business models, and accelerate value-added services such as mass customization and predictive maintenance. This represents a unique opportunity and challenge for Europe: It can nurture a global competitive advantage in the manufacturing sector—but with China and the United States racing ahead in AI, it cannot afford to lose its edge by falling behind in the technology. As the European Commission prepares a new EU industrial strategy, to support AI in manufacturing EU policymakers should develop laws and regulations that unlock investments, create a skilled workforce, and enable data sharing.
ITIF’s Center for Data Innovation hosted a keynote address by Dario Rea, director of research and innovation at the IMA Group in Bologna, Italy, followed by a panel discussion about the future of AI-enabled manufacturing, and what European policymakers should do to help Europe thrive.
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