Decoding the Encryption Dilemma: A Conversation on Backdoors, Going Dark, and Cybersecurity
Event Summary
As a steady stream of advancements in encryption have made products and services more secure for consumers and businesses, some members of the law enforcement and intelligence community have grown concerned that these innovations will inhibit their ability to prevent terrorism and prosecute crimes. While these advancements will undoubtedly impact how the government fights crime and terrorism, attempts to limit encryption are impractical, create new cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and make it more difficult for U.S. companies to compete abroad.
At this event, ITIF will discuss a new report that analyzes the current proposals put forth to address the “going dark” problem. Following a presentation on the report, panelists will offer their reactions and discuss how policymakers can harness the benefits of encryption and put in place policies that both encourage advances in cryptography and protect the rule of law.