How IT Can Help Fix America’s Ailing Construction Industry
Event Summary
Amid so much talk about the sub-prime mortgage mess, an overlooked problem continues to plague the housing industry, specifically, and the construction industry, generally: costs are spiraling out of control because the industry has not invested in technology, particularly information technology, to boost productivity. In a new book, Broken Buildings, Busted Budgets: How to Fix America’s Trillion-Dollar Construction Industry, construction industry expert Barry LePatner analyzes how this $1.2 trillion industry ranks highest among industries on the “waste and inefficiency” scale, and lowest in the amount of money invested annually in technology. Indeed, America’s sole remaining “mom and pop” industry wastes at least $120 billion each year!
Please join us for a presentation by Mr. LePatner about how to fix the problem, including how information technology can play a key role in lowering construction costs and what the federal government can do to help. We anticipate this will be a widely attended event.