Building the Broadband Economy and Society
Event Summary
Ubiquitous deployment of high speed broadband services promises a host of economic and social benefits. At this forum, leading national experts will discuss not only how new “killer apps” in these areas can spur further broadband adoption, but how further broadband progress can spur economic growth, better and cheaper health care, and citizen empowerment and stronger engagement in civic life. However, realizing these benefits will require continued deployment and adoption of high-speed broadband and the right public policies to support that. The forum will begin by examining a key foundational question in the debate over broadband policy: is the state of broadband markets competitive enough to ensure that broadband fulfills its promise? Two leading broadband economists will present new research papers examining this issue. Finally, as we approach the 2008 Presidential election, national broadband policy is sure to play a role not only in the campaigns of candidates but in the governance of the next administration. A leading member of Congress will discuss the importance of broadband policy for the next administration.
Please join the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation and a distinguished panel of experts for a discussion of the current state of broadband competition, how public policy can spur cutting-edge, “killer apps,” and the kind of policies needed to enable America to full advantage of the new broadband world.
Conference Papers
The Role of Competition in a National Broadband PolicyRobert Atkinson
The Reality of Competition in the Broadband MarketEverett M. Ehrlich
What Happened to the Third Wave Netizen?Mark Lloyd
The Effects of Broadband Deployment on Output and Employment: A Cross-sectional Analysis of U.S. DataRobert Crandall, William Lehr and Robert Litan
9:00 AMWelcome and Introduction
Rob Atkinson
9:10 AMPanel I: Are Broadband Markets Competitive Enough?
Moderator: Steve Weber
Ev Ehrlich, “The Reality of Competition in the Broadband Market: Implications for Policy” Rob Atkinson, “The Role of Competition in a National Broadband Policy”
Respondent: John Mayo
10:50 AMPanel II:Accelerating the Development of Broadband-Enabled Killer Applications and Services
Moderator: Rob Atkinson
Steve Weber, “Broadband-Enabled Health Care Applications and Services” Mark Lloyd, “Broadband, Civic Participation and Closing the Digital Divide” William Lehr, “The Effects of Broadband Deployment on Output and Employment”
12:00 PMLunch
12:15 PM Lunch Discussion: Framing Broadband Policy for the 2008 Election
Moderator: Rob Atkinson
Ev Ehrlich Steve Weber Mark Lloyd
1:30 PM Adjourn