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Events & Presentations: Ash Johnson

May 16, 2024

Social Media and the First Amendment

Watch now for an expert panel discussion exploring the intersection between digital policy issues and the First Amendment, the free speech implications of proposals to address online problems, and how lawmakers could address these problems without infringing on users' or companies' speech rights.

November 15, 2023

Children on Social Media and the Multistate Lawsuit Against Meta

Watch now for a panel discussion on the facts of the case, the claims against Meta, and how this lawsuit fits into the broader discussion over content moderation, privacy, children’s safety, and the responsibilities of social media platforms.

July 18, 2023

Age Verification Tech for Social Media: Exploring the Opportunities and Pitfalls

Watch now for the panel dsicussion focusing on age verification technology for social media, AI age estimation, and current capabilities and limitations that policymakers should consider when crafting legislation designed to protect children.

May 16, 2023

AI, Education and Children’s Privacy Concerns

Gillian Diebold and Ashley Johnson moderate discussions about AI and education and children’s privacy concerns with emerging technology at the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) Annual Conference, hosted by BBB National Programs.

March 9, 2023

Big Tech & Speech Summit: The Fragility of Section 230

Ashley Johnson speaks at the Big Tech & Speech Summit, an exclusive forum addressing the red-hot controversies impacting Big Tech in Washington.

February 22, 2023

Supreme Court Argues Section 230: What’s Next for Congress?

Ashley Johnson offers her perspective on the oral arguments in Gonzalez v. Google, the broader Section 230 reform debate, different legislative proposals for altering Section 230, and the implications of potential changes to Section 230.

February 7, 2023

What Will It Take for Congress to Pass Bipartisan Privacy Legislation?

Watch the discussion about the progress Congress has made in crafting bipartisan privacy legislation, the ADPPA’s current legislative status, and the remaining areas of debate regarding the legislation.

January 11, 2023

Police Tech: Maximizing Benefits and Reducing Risks

Join ITIF in-person for a discussion about what emerging technologies are on the horizon for law enforcement and how police departments can get the most out of these technologies while addressing some of the legitimate concerns.

June 15, 2022

Children’s Privacy in Review: The Future of COPPA

View ITIF's panel discussion on whether and how the FTC or Congress should update COPPA to protect children’s privacy while increasing the quality and quantity of online services for children.

November 9, 2021

Protecting Political Speech While Reducing Harm on Social Media

ITIF hosted a discussion on how Congress and social media platforms can balance free speech and harm reduction in the regulation and moderation of political speech online.

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