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Publications: Robin Gaster

May 13, 2024

Podcast: Embracing Innovation Is the Ultimate Key to Tackling Climate Change, With Robin Gaster

Climate change is a global problem, with two polarized viewpoints making it difficult to find a solution.

March 6, 2024

Let’s Be Realistic About Green Hydrogen

Like any new technology, green hydrogen must meet three related challenges: production, distribution and adoption. But it faces far higher-than-advertised hurdles at every stage.

February 12, 2024

The Blue Hydrogen Bubble Must Burst

In order for blue hydrogen to decarbonize hard-to-reach sectors like aviation, heavy trucks, shipping, steel, and cement, blue hydrogen must slash costs and effectively capture and either store or use the carbon that’s generated.

January 16, 2024

A Realist Approach to Hydrogen

Clean hydrogen is expensive to produce, difficult to transport, and a second- or third-best clean energy solution in almost all proposed markets. To help drive the global green transition, a realist approach to hydrogen policy must address all these practical challenges.

January 8, 2024

What COP28 Missed: A Realist Climate Policy

Instead of magical thinking that starts with a conclusion and works backward, we need a strategic framework that encourages smart decisions on priorities and maximizes the return on scarce political capital—a strategy that connects the economics, technology, and politics of the green transition.

September 8, 2023

Price Over Performance: Why Green Energy Is Different From Previous Technology Revolutions

The drivers that accelerated every transformative innovation since the industrial revolution won’t work for green tech.

July 25, 2023

A Realist Pathway Through the Green Transition

The harsh reality is that until clean energy is as cheap and performs as well as dirty energy, the world will not adopt it at anything like the needed scale. So, governments must focus on developing clean energy sources at price and performance parity with dirty fuels — “P3.”

July 10, 2023

Beyond Force: A Realist Pathway Through the Green Transition

Trying to force adoption of clean energy with subsidies, regulations, and exhortations will fail. The only realistic way to spur the green transition is to develop clean technologies that can reach effective price and performance parity with dirty ones. Then markets will adopt them at scale.

April 18, 2023

The Hydrogen Hubs’ Success Relies on Proper Management

It is vital that the hydrogen hubs (H2Hubs) program prioritizes the delivery of commercially-viable low-carbon hydrogen and develops the market ready to buy it, which can be achieved through proper management of the program.

April 17, 2023

It’s Critical to Prioritize Commercial and Market Readiness for H2Hubs

Effectively managing the Energy Department’s hydrogen hubs program in the face of formidable challenges will be vital for the success of developing hydrogen-based economic ecosystems.

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