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Publications: Lawrence Zhang

May 28, 2024

The Untapped Technological Patent-ial of Canada

Canada is capturing less than half of its technological potential, allowing for groundbreaking research and innovations to sit unused or to be scooped up by foreign companies.

May 3, 2024

Comments to the Competition Bureau Canada Regarding AI and Competition

The artificial intelligence market in Canada is still in its early stages but is growing rapidly and becoming increasingly competitive. At this juncture, there is no clear evidence of market failure, substantial barriers to entry, or exclusionary practices that would necessitate intervention.

April 29, 2024

Assessing Canadian Innovation, Productivity, and Competitiveness

Canada faces unprecedented challenges in innovation, productivity, and competitiveness. The first step in addressing them is to develop a clear understanding of the Canadian economy’s underlying structure and performance in each area. Policymakers must then tailor strategies for specific industries and technologies instead of focusing on principally on macro factors.

April 19, 2024

Canada’s 2024 Federal Budget: The Good, the Bad, and the Maybe for Innovation, Productivity, and Competitiveness

The word “innovation” appears a total of 97 times and “productivity” 63 times in Canada’s 2024 federal budget, and many measures targeted towards innovation and productivity reflect that focus. However, some of the funds being disbursed are tangential at best to actually addressing Canada’s declining productivity and supporting Canada’s innovation ecosystem.

April 2, 2024

Comments to Canada’s Department of Finance Regarding Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentives

By changing the tax credit to be quasi-incremental, unifying the rates between small and large businesses, and simplifying the filing process, the government will be able to incentivize private R&D spending more effectively.

March 22, 2024

Still Buffering: Why Canada’s Online Streaming Act Isn’t a Blockbuster Hit

Instead of promoting and supporting Canadian content, the Online Streaming Act passes costs on to consumers. The government needs to modernize the way it thinks about supporting Canadian content and leverage technological innovation instead of fighting it.

March 1, 2024

Comments to the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry and Technology Regarding the AI and Data Act

If the proposed the proposed Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (AIDA) is implemented as is, Canada may not be able to fully realize the economic benefits that AI will bring.

February 23, 2024

Comments to the Parliament of Canada Regarding Proposed Amendments to Canadian Competition Law

The Canadian government must ensure that policy, legislative and regulatory approaches support competition and innovation as much as possible. Unfortunately, Bills C-56 and C-59 promise to do exactly the opposite.

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