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Publications: Jetta Wong

April 18, 2022

First of Its Kind: Making DOE’s New Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations a Success

The U.S. Department of Energy’s new Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations is a tremendous step forward for innovation and must become a permanent fixture in the federal structure. DOE needs time right now to build up the new office systematically, and over the next few years its funding must grow rapidly, so that it can drive a steady stream of innovations ready to be scaled up nationally and globally.

May 6, 2021

A Foundation for DOE: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Congress should consider jumpstarting the DOE foundation with a modest appropriation for the fiscal year 2022, which begins in September. The foundation would then be ready to move quickly when authorized by the Coons-Lujan-Graham bill, which might cross the finish line as part of a broader energy and climate package during the current session.

May 11, 2020

Mind the Gap: A Design for a New Energy Technology Commercialization Foundation

The United States is struggling to move innovative energy technologies from discovery to scale. This gap could put the climate and U.S. investments at risk. A nonprofit foundation working with the Department of Energy could help fill the gap.

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