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To Do: Increase the Share of Industry Representatives on the National Science Board

To Do: Increase the Share of Industry Representatives on the National Science Board
Knowledge Base Article in: Tech Policy To-Do List
Last Updated: February 7, 2025


Congress should increase the share of industry representatives on the National Science Board.


In the 1980s, as the U.S. faced stiff international competition in a wide range of industries, there was a bipartisan recognition that the National Science Foundation (NSF), while remaining a science and engineering research funding agency, also should do more to help U.S. competitiveness. But this focus eroded over time, such that NSF is now principally dedicated to funding science, with little consideration given to how to it could also support economic competitiveness. One reasons for this is that (as of September 2019) just 1 out of the 26 members of the National Science Board (NSB)—which helps set the direction for NSF—is from industry; the rest represent academia. As part of any national innovation and competitiveness legislation, Congress should require that at least 40 percent of the NSB be from industry (either actively employed in industry or retired).

Keep reading:

Robert D. Atkinson, “The Competitive Edge: A Policymaker’s Guide to Developing a National Strategy” (ITIF, December 2017),

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