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To Do: Pass the Support the Small Business R&D Act

To Do: Pass the Support the Small Business R&D Act
Knowledge Base Article in: Tech Policy To-Do List
Last Updated: February 7, 2025


Congress should pass the Support the Small Business R&D Act.


In December 2015, Congress passed the PATH Act, which expanded small businesses’ access to the R&D credit by permitting them to claim the credit against their employment taxes or against their alternative minimum credit (AMT) tax. But not enough small businesses are aware that this legislation greatly expands their access to the credit. Accordingly, Congress should pass the Support Small Business R&D Act, which would require the SBA and the IRS to expand knowledge-sharing and training on these instruments and provide a report to Congress on their progress.

Keep reading:

Stephen Ezell, “A Policymaker’s Guide to Smart Manufacturing” (ITIF, November 2016),

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