To Do: Increase Funding for the National Science Foundation’s Engineering Programs
Congress should increase funding for the Engineering Research Center (ERC) program to $100 million per year, and increase funding for the Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) program to $50 million per year.
The National Science Foundation’s Engineering Directorate operates two forms of industry-university partnerships: Engineering Research Centers and Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers. ERCs represent a group of interdisciplinary centers located at universities, where academia and industry can collaborate in pursuing strategic advances in complex engineered systems and systems-level technologies that have the potential to spawn entirely new industries or to radically transform the product lines, processing technologies, or service delivery methodologies of current industries. The I/UCRC program forges partnerships between universities and industry, featuring industrially relevant fundamental research, industrial support of and collaboration in research and education, and direct transfer of university-developed ideas, research results, and technology to U.S. industry to improve its competitive posture in global markets.
Keep reading:
▪ Stephen Ezell and Robert Atkinson, “Fifty Ways to Leave Your Competitiveness Woes Behind: A National Traded Sector Competitiveness Strategy” (ITIF, September 2012),