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Innovation for Control: Smart Technology to Empower Energy Producers and Users

Innovation for Control: Smart Technology to Empower Energy Producers and Users
July 20, 2011

Congress should pass the e-KNOW Act and take other steps to enable ICT-based innovation in energy.

The way we distribute and consume electricity is undergoing a quiet revolution that will lead to lower energy bills, innovation-driven growth and employment, and cleaner electricity production. But while the benefits of greater control over energy could be vast, smart policies are needed to effectively drive data-driven innovation and boost empowerment in the sector. Specifically, Congress should pass the Electronic Consumers Right to Know Act (S. 1029), also known as the e-KNOW Act, which would give consumers the right to access their own energy usage data and share it with authorized third parties. Congress and the Administration should continue efforts in public-private innovation, including the creation of a Smart Grid Technology and Systems Hub. And Congress should support Executive Branch efforts to test, evaluate, and adopt cost-saving intelligent technologies, including measures put forth in the Department of Defense Energy Security Act of 2011.

  • Congress should pass the Electronic Consumers Right to Know Act (S. 1029), also known as the e-KNOW Act, which would give consumers the right to access their own energy usage data and share it with authorized third parties.
  • Congress and the Administration should continue efforts in public-private innovation, including the creation of a Smart Grid Technology and Systems Hub.
  • Congress and the Administration should continue efforts in public-private innovation, including the creation of a Smart Grid Technology and Systems Hub.Congress should support Executive Branch efforts to test, evaluate, and adopt cost- saving intelligent technologies, including measures put forth in the Department of Defense Energy Security Act of 2011. The federal government should also continue efforts to expand utility and consumer education and markets, in collaboration with state public utility commissions.
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