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Victor Negrescu

Victor Negrescu


European Parliament

Victor Negrescu (born on 17 August 1985) is a Romanian politician, member of the Social Democratic Party, the youngest Romanian MEP elected at the European Parliament in May 2014. He is an active Member in the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament and a permanent Member of the Committee on Budgets and the Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly. He is also a Substitute Member in the Committee on Legal Affairs, Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Delegation for relations with Canada.

Victor Negrescu came to the Parliament with a set of projects aimed at facilitating access to European funds for EU Member States, the promotion of European Guarantee for Health and standardization requirements of EU education systems so that students from Member States should not be forced anymore to equate their studies.

He is the initiator in Brussels of the project called “Delegation of Transylvania and Banat” close to the European Union, which promotes local values of the region of Transylvania in the European Parliament. He is the first Romanian MEP who brought in discussion and analysis a Pilot Project – Access to Health for people in rural areas.

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February 29, 2016

Seizing Europe’s Data Innovation Opportunity

Join ITIF's Center for Data Innovation at the inaugural event for its Brussels office where it will host a thoughtful discussion about the future of data policy in Europe, including opportunities to build and expand on successes to increase the use of data throughout the public and private sector.

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