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Teryn Norris

Teryn Norris


PIRA Energy Group

Teryn Norris is a director at PIRA Energy Group, an international energy consultancy, where he co-leads the firm’s services covering alternative-energy technologies. Norris was previously a special advisor to the U.S. Secretary of Energy, where his portfolio included overseeing finance and technology commercialization initiatives across $10 billion in R&D programs.

Recent Publications

December 13, 2016

Energy Innovation Policy: Priorities for the Trump Administration and Congress

The United States is falling behind in the race to capitalize on the burgeoning clean energy market—but the race is not yet lost. This report offers five policy principles and a set of specific reforms for the Trump administration and the 115th Congress to turn the tables.

November 18, 2009

Rising Tigers, Sleeping Giant

This report benchmarks clean energy competitiveness in four nations: China, Japan, South Korea and the United States.

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