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Terje Petso

Terje Petso

Programme Officer, EU policies, Health and Well-Being Unit

European Commission Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology

Dr Terje Peetso joined the Unit Health and Wellbeing in DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology in 2011. Her main responsibilities are related to the coordination of the implementation of the eHealth Action Plan 2012 -2020 as well as the overall coordination of the policy group in the Unit. In 2014 she was the EU Fellow in the University of Southern California, USA, where her research focus was on the obstacles which hinder the introduction eHealth in healthcare systems.

Dr Peetso has been working in the European Commission since 2003 starting as a Scientific Secretary in the Risk Assessment Unit in DG Health and Consumers. In 2006 she became a policy officer in the area of tobacco control in the same DG.

Dr Peetso holds a diploma in medicine from the University of Tartu, Estonia.

Recent Events and Presentations

April 26, 2016

Using Data to Deliver Medical Breakthroughs at the Frontiers of Science

Join ITIF's Center for Data Innovation for a panel discussion with leaders in medical research, medical regulation, and pharmaceutical development for a discussion on the future of data-driven medicine and how European policymakers can support health data research initiatives.

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