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Stefano da Empoli

Stefano da Empoli


I-Com, the Institute for Competitiveness


Stefano da Empoli is president and principal policy analyst at I-Com, the Institute for Competitiveness, a think tank based in Rome and Brussels which he founded in 2005. He has authored numerous publications on economic themes and served in a key advisory or expert positions on a number of task forces and scientific boards.

Recent Publications

September 14, 2023

Transatlantic Subnational Innovation Competitiveness Index 2.0

For policymakers to bolster the global competitiveness of their nations and regions, they first must know where they stand. This report benchmarks the 121 regions of Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Sweden, and the United States using 13 commonly available indicators of strength in the knowledge economy, globalization, and innovation capacity.

November 14, 2022

The Transatlantic Subnational Innovation Competitiveness Index

Innovation ecosystems are increasingly complex and diverse, but there are common markers of core strength. In this report, the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, the German Economic Institute, the Institute for Competitiveness, and the Macdonald-Laurier Institute benchmark 96 states and regions across Germany, Italy, the United States, and Canada.

More publications by Stefano da Empoli

Recent Events and Presentations

November 14, 2022

Regional Competitiveness and Technological Innovation: Comparing North America and the EU and Learning From Best Practices

Please join ITIF, the Institute for Competitiveness (I-Com), and the German Economic Institute (IW) for the release of a joint study examining subnational economic systems in North America and the European Union from an innovation-competitiveness perspective.

December 2, 2021

2021 Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance Annual Summit

The GTIPA’s annual summits bring together alliance members with world-leading experts to explore creative solutions to the difficult economic, trade, and innovation challenges facing the international community.

June 30, 2021

A Vision for International Antitrust at the WTO

ITIF hosted an expert panel discussion exploring the implications of GTIPA’s declaration of principles, and prospects for the vision to become a reality.

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